Does anyone have pics of thier Anti Roll Bar installed on their Mav. I have one ordered and will be installing soon. Thanks in advance.
lol.. that's because they're all based on the same basic design principle which makes anti-sway bars.. anti-roll bars.. and stabilizer bars all one and the same.
yeah i asked about this awhile back didnt seem to have any luck. keep me posted i plan on installing and antiroll bar in my prostreet mav
Tomato.. tamato.. potato.. patato.. or something like that. It's a torsion bar that sevres the same purpose was all I was getting at for those who like to split hairs. But.. sorry, Mike. Should have just kept my opinion to myself to avoid cluttering up your thread. Hey.. at least I bumped it up again for better visibility.
Anti-Roll Bar Hey Mike check out the rear underside of my pics under new pics. The left side shows some of the bar and connections. I fabbed my own shock mount crossmember then attached the bar to it. I also have plates welded to prevent the spring pad from bending/rolling and I attached the adjustable link ends to those. My bar is a Quarter-Max bar from Rick Jones Racing.
Thank you! I did see yours. Looks great. I am planning to weld mine to the frame. Hoping to see a variety of installs. Your car looks great by the way!