A 73 Comet I had had the wide molding that has aluminum and a rubber insert. I think we call it "wide trim". I was going to try and put the wide stuff on it, but that will require more work. The 73 GT I have had these.. I tore them off years ago since they were in bad shape. http://www.ebay.com/itm/271440731368?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
I thought they were a little high. But then I started thinking about the last time I seen some. I hadn't lol..
The self adhesive kind....like the ones on the auction....were dealer installed. Yes they are "factory" in that they came from Ford......but never installed at the factory. The factory had more of a permanent attachment to their trim packages.
I would agree with Eugene. Actually....they are probably the same except the Ford ones are pre-cut for an exact fit.
I'll make something work.. Not in any rush as always lol.. I see your in Carrollton. I go through there all the time while working. I had two jobs there last week right off of Denton Rd. One was a block from King Arthur in Castle Hills. You should join us here.. http://mmb.maverick.to/showthread.php?t=98563&highlight=Mini+meet
Vinyl trim intall If you DO decide to install them .. I'd recommend you stretch a string from front to rear , eyeball the alignment , snap a line .. THEN proceed. I wish you success. Cometized
Wow you actually bought those? They look exactly the same as the generic stuff you can buy, for way less. There is a place not far from me, that actually makes that trim still.