I replaced my dome light with a Bronco Dome light that has 2 extra map lights. I got the 2 wires needed for the light however I broke off the tabs when removing them at the junkyard. I am reusing my maverick dome light wire but will need another one of the same style to connect the map lights. Currently it keeps burning the fuse once the dome light is screwed in to the roof because the screw holding down the map light wire touches the roof and shortens the circuit. Here's the maverick wire that I'm reusing the wire says d3db-14334-AA I looked it up but nothing showed up.
Buy a bottle of liquid electrical tape and apply it to every metal surface you don't want to be conductive.
Does your car have the square holes for the wires to push into? Mine did not so I ran new 14 gauge speaker wire since it is two wires in one loom like the factory. I cut the eyelets off at the light and left the wire as long as possible then crimped on a small push on connector that will connect to the other side of the connector on my new speaker wire. You will have to remove your factory wire.
I drilled a new square hole to reposition the maverick light wire otherwise the new dome light would not be centered. I bought liquid electrical tape and applied it everywhere I needed but it is still grounding on the chassis. I think its because my screw is too long and it grounds somewhere where I wasn't able to apply the liquid tape to. I might go to the junkyard tomorrow to dig trough couple old model Fords. Hopefully I can find a dome light wire without breaking the tabs. Other than the map lights grounding the center dome light works real good.
Its not a perfect square.I drilled the hole then used a dremel to open it up enough for the square insert to pop in and stay in place.
I went to the junkyard this morning and was able to find multiple trucks with the same dome light.I clipped about 5 wires and was able to get them out without breaking the tabs. I also found a dome light in better condition than mine so I brought it. Once I got home I noticed that the new dome light is slightly different.It uses a different style bulb and it has the map lights placed more towards the corners. I drilled the hole where I wanted the wire to be and realized that instead of making a big square hole on the roof I would trim it off the square tab instead. So I grinded the wire tab to a much smaller square shape and it popped right in my roof. I connected it and they work perfect. Now I have to run the new wire trough the side pilar to tuck it in nicely with the dome light wire. And I am splicing it with my trunk light since its a hot wire at all times. Here you can see the difference between both lights. Heres the light I was originally using.It uses the same style light bulb as the Maverick