Just to make you laugh, on my 1st maverick I decided to rebuild my carb. It's just a one barrel how hard could it be. Well on that carb I could turn the screw all the way in with no change, then with the engine running I was turning it out a little at a time till it fell out in my hand. The little 200 just kept on running like nothing was done...
"in" leans it out.. and "out" richens it. If the low speed air bleeds are even close to proper sizing?.. the mixture screws will be about 1 - 1.5 turns out. And yes.. improper float levels cause all sort of gremlins in the various circuits as it goes above or below the emulsion well/tubes orifices. I wasn't trying to diss you car either, Don. I always figure to each his own and there's nothing wrong with originality even if everyone doesn't prefer the look. I'm guessing you may not want red racing stripes running over your car.. but I won't hold it against you. Plus.. it would probably clash pretty badly with your color scheme. Course.. you could just call it a rare "USA edition" and most would just think it was another Ford marketing derivative of the Sprint. :bananaman
I know you werent dissing my big bumpers, no worries there. I made note where the mixture screw was before I disassembled for the rebuild. It was a quarter turn out, which I thought was awful lean. Right now it is 3/4 out. I always thought one and a half was a good starting point. I attempted to check the float level while the carb was apart but rebuild kit was not for that carb. So I left it alone making the assumption that it was correct. A new carb is in the near future. I appreciate all your help. :Handshake
Don's starters 101. I wanted to swap out the starter and all I had was the one off the 200. Theynlook they same accept for the dome that mounts to bell. I thought I would try switching those parts out and then I could use my starter. I made the switch, installed and cautiously turned the key. Engine fired and clank clank clank clank. I shut it down and pulled it off. While switching the part back I noticed the depth of that dome was about 1/4 inch different in depth. I hate engineers! Was there really a need for such a minor change? Just thought I would share. New starter on the list with a new carb. Going to try to swap pulleys on the power steering pump. There is probably a .00001 difference in the shaft diameter.
Had a decent afternoon. Got the PS pump switched over, seems to be fine. Then spent the rest of the day detailing the exterior. The front clip was covered in over spray. Buffed out the entire car, opened the hood to clean the edges and DOH! The engine bay was covered in dust! I hosed it out and wiped it off. I dont think Ive ever used the same shammy on my engine and the body, was a good feeling. Cleaned up and ran out to buy a new head unit. Picked up a Pioneer HD radio head unit to install tomorrow. Then I can finish putting the interior and trunk back together. I feel like I have a better handle on things now. Slowly but surely......... Pic of new/old PS pump....sorry Paul, still the wrong color!
Spent 9 hours straight in the garage working on the car. I got the drivers door put back together, which finished the exterior. Installed a new Pioneer HD head unit and and cleaned the interior, its done. Put most of the trunk back together and cleaned, turns out I need a new amp, so I left that side apart. Started tinkering with the interior neon that quit working and blew a fuse. After lots of cussing and twisting and more cussing, I got the fuse fixed and lights back on except for that one. I dont know why, but I flipped on the over head light, poof, blew the fuse again. I had to walk away........ Good weekend though, got a lot accomplished. Down to a few minor things then I will start driving it a little every day and tune on it until Im happy.
I fixed the inside, it was a bad light and a rusty fuse. Wasnt sure if I was going to hook the under car back up but I think I might, its kinda my thing.
Put about 30 miles on the new engine today. Ran almost perfect. I say almost because of a couple "skips" while sitting at long lights. I am going to attribute any misfires to the carb. First stop was the trans shop to diagnose the chirpy clicky sound I heard making u turns. It was just low on fluid, mark that one off the list. Then I drove over to Midas to make an appointment for an alignment and a quote to get the exhaust fixed. Get this, they tell me that anything 1973 and up has to have cats. That is absurd! I said this car wasn't made to have cats on it, how are you gonna do that? He said they have little ones like glass packs. Pft, Im going back to the guys that did it last year. Finally, the ding ding starter noise is gone! It was the exhaust pipe hitting the bell housing on start up. I could hear it leaking bad at the manifold, so I pulled it away from the engine and tightened it up. Problem went away. All weird noises are fixed, car is running good enough for now. Alignment is Saturday. Exhaust might have to wait until next week. Audio is back up and sounding great. My list is shrinking! Looking forward to June 1st !
Permanently mounted the amp in it's new home all comfy and cozy. Trunk is all put back together! One more thing checked off!
Nice work on that trunk compartment; was it a DIY project?. U plan on carrying a spare tire? Does that amp power a sub or regular coaxial speakers?
I havent had a spare in 25 years. Yes, its a DIY job. The amp powers 2 10" subs. The area with the dash plaques is the back of my box. The subs face the front.