Very nice, John! Those bumpers make the car, IMHO. I'm not sure if it's the fact that they are tucked or that they look 100% pristine, but they look some nice!! Congratulations on your maiden voyage!! BTW, I enjoyed reading about your deuce!! Excellent job on that, too!!
Thanks Paul The bumpers are from my 74 Maverick parts car. I sent them to Fall Carlisle with a friend who delivered them to Tri-City Plating from Tennessee who had a booth there. My same friend then picked them up at Spring Carlisle for me. They did a GREAT job. There price was $300. each. I was quoted $825. each here in Ontario. The 2 1/2 inch tuck on the front made all the difference I think. The T-Bird Deuce ( was a fun deal, but now I have a car with fenders, a hood, wipers, side windows, and a heater for the days when maybe the sun does not shine. All the things my 32 does not have.