Has anyone read the article written by the clownshoe at new York times??? It's online under fast fives crappiest maverick. This garden slug called mavericks crap and "will always be crap". My response calls him a clownshoe. I was thrilled at all the repilys by passionate maverick owners like myself. I urge you all to find the page and scroll to the bottom for repilys and leave your response. You will be entertained I assure you.- ray in oregon.
That's from 2011, I'm amazed people are still responding. Some real classy responses, makes Maverick/Comet people look pretty intelligent.
I'm sure it will be stumbled upon year after year. I think he was right when he said: "I didn't know I kicked a hornets nest"...lol
What can you expect from someone who's prolly never had a driver's license and takes cabs and buses everywhere? Let's face it, most "urbanites" are as far removed from reality as our gov't...
I drive an 18 wheeler for a living & have been to NY many times & would not give you a dime for the whole place.Most people there live in a 2 sq. blk. area & know nothing else,God help you if you have to stop someone & ask for directions.So what could this BOOB possibly know about a Maverick!
Another reporter-turned-commentator who lacks the benefit of any in-depth knowledge on the subject he's chosen to elaborate. His self-acclaimed authority has certainly backfired. This country is in no short supply of reporters who have elected to become commentators by their own accord - drives one nuts.
Well stated. It is difficult these days to separate the news from the opinion/spin. Hats off to Hemmings for the more thoughtful Maverick comments.