Is there a difference between thread sizes from roller to non roller? My non roller bolts won't thread in but a few turns into my new roller block??? Hope so or its time to pull out the tap lol.
no difference. the bolts ford used are a crimp style bolt. if you look at it, it has sort of a triangle shape vs a round shape to give it a tight fit and so it wont vibrate out of the block.
I got em tapped out and in. Another question Can the roller side dipstick be used with headers or can I drill the timing cover for the dipstick. I'm using my original oil pan and front sump setup.
Are you using a mechanical fuel pump? Most roller blocks were injected and don't have any pump drive on them or the boss for the pump machined. SPark
I'm using an electric fuel pump. And no using the roller timing cover. I guess I will just use the roller dipstick and fill the oil the first time to spec and mark the dipstick so I know what full should be. I didn't want to pull everything back off the front of the roller just to put on the flat tappet timing the roller one is really nice and painted lol.
You can definitely drill the boss for the dipstick...I did that on a newer style cover that didn't have the hole.
Pretty sure the dipstick Tube was 1/4", but I'd check that first to be sure. I think I used like a 7/32 bit, put the tube in the freezer overnight before I installed it, and used a piece of wood on the little lip it has going around the bottom of it to drive it in. Nice and tight. You can also go with the 1/4" bit, but the fit won't be as tight. It will be easier to install, but I'd put a little RTV (VERY thin) on it to keep it from leaking any. I think I got the chrome dipstick tube/dipstick at O'reilley's for around $10 or so...wasn't very expensive.
Thanks a bunch for the info. I already have the dipstick tube. I've got to swap oil pans anyways so when I pull it I will drill the cover. Thanks again
baddad457, I was referring to already having the front sump dipstick tube and dipstick from my front sump setup. I didn't get the dipstick tube with the roller motor. Speaking of whats the best way to plug that roller dipstick tube hole? RTV?
You can use RTV, but I'd check it periodically to make sure the crankcase pressure doesn't pop it out of the hole.
Hmmmm I could always run a tap in it and plug it with a bolt or something of the sorts. Hate to do that then have to use it down the line and have it all jacked up.
You can get a small plug, sort of like a little freeze plug. Or you could tap and install a pipe plug/bolt etc...