I have struck a deal with Mo (mashori) for his maverick. it is now officially mine. Mo was more about pure function than show, so the car is a little rough around the edges. While I am all about function, i like it to be as nice and presentable as possible. So my first tasks with this car is to clean it up and fix up some stuff that was not up to my standards. I plan on auto crossing, drag racing and street driving it. im taking a auto cross driving school on the 22nd of this month. the car has been siting in my shop over a year now and is pretty dirty and needs some maintenance and some performance parts that i have installed. Ill try to keep lots of good up dates with pics and video as i build and race this car. so heres some pics.
Congrats on picking this up! What about the Comrick? Either way can't wait to see what you have planned for this.
Congrats, it's good to see it stay with someone that will carry on where Mo left off... How about another run in the silver state classic ?
the comrick is going to be done, just put off a little bit. the maverick came with a full mega squirt efi system and an vortec t trim supercharger. im going to get these installed and running well. this way i can really use the car. i plan on finishing the paint and body on the comrick then deciding what to transfer to it and to keep in the maverick. ive got plenty of time to make those decisions. i think i will try to do silver state at some point. my goal would to be to do at least 3 silver states. the way it works is that you have to work your way up in the classes and the 3 class has i think a 160 mph tech speed limit and that about all im interested in at the moment in achieving.
I cant think of a better place for the car to go rather than to you, you know the car inside and out and have the abilities to make it a monster. Heck it already lives at your establishment anyhow. We will be looking for future updates on it, whats the future hold for your other car?
nice to see the car will stay in good hands... looking forward to reading of future events. will you rund the silver state classic with it again?
the other car will be finished. it will be put off a little bit while i finish what Mo started. i have a nice pile of part that Mo had for the car that ill be installing. the comerick needs some filling of trim holes and other minor body work the will go to paint and then get put back together. when ready to put it together i may swap parts between the two cars to make them as best as possible with what i want them to do. i do plan on doing the silver state classic.
If I recall, that car has a lot of good suspension and powertrain pieces! Congrats. Looking forward to seeing you put your personal touch on it.