These vids are fun to watch! You can try composite leafs and an aluminum driveshaft (which I suspect you already have). You can also switch to an aluminum gearcase on your 9". The heaviest sound insulation I found in my car was the factory "tar mat" under the carpet.
Chris heres some tire squeal for you! that was the first run on sunday. that is going through the finish line! this car has rattle trap sound deadner from the rear tail panel all the way to the firewall and in the quarter panels. that stuff is heavy and will remove some serious weight. the only draw back is it will change the weight balance of the car but thats secondary to significant weight reduction. i know i can go to the aluminum case and pinion support. thats a $500 deal unless i find a good deal on a used set up. i work in the diff industry so im all ways on the look out for these and they hardly ever become available. on the fiberglass springs, i think ill change over to a link type suspension with coil overs. that will end up close the the same weight as the fiberglass leafs but will have way better tunability. yes i do already have an aluminum drive shaft. i just need an aluminum engine block!
Did they push you into CAM-S? I going to register as CAM-T until they tell me otherwise. (Stupid wheelbase rule.) We have Muscle Cars not 2 seat Sports Cars. My Car is around 3100. I have 2 layers of FatMat and the heavy torque arm. I surprised yours is as light as it is with that cage in there. Any plans to do the Ultimate Street Car event this fall in Fontana? Im doing the Texas Event in March. It'll be cool to have another Maverick doing them. Dan in Missouri is doing them as well. If you register, enter "first" as a discount code and they'll refund you 50% of your entry fee.
i would love to. its too early in the year for me to make that decision. the wheelbase thing sucks. it only took 3 cars out of our cam class. bryces falcon because of weight, a mustang II on wheel base and weight (the winner of last years cam class!), and me. the funny thing is while the mustang II won, second place was a 67 chevelle! that just shows that the split of the class does not match the performance differences they choose to split it on. their was talk of them spliting the class because its size. i heard that san diego cam had the biggest turn outs with up to 14 cars but these rules only took 3 cars out of the class and last sunday their was 14 cam t cars and 3 cam s cars. chris, any idea on how many cam s cars will be in your area?
Looking over last years results, (without knowing weight) I see only 2 CAM-S cars. A cobra and a 30 ford. They only came to 1 event though. Otherwise, we have Prob 8 CAM cars racing total. I think the majority of the CAM eligible cars choose to race other events (myself included) which provide more runs per amnt of event time. This year I'll make an attempt to get to 1-2 events a month. The local Camaro club started doing club events last year and have been kind enough to let me join them. For 50 - 75 we get 20 runs and dont have to work. This year, they are talking of doing 4 events over the summer and in addition to autocross including some drag strip fun and a speed stop challenge. That gives me 2 Goodguys shows, an Optima Street Car Challenge, 4 Camaro Club events, and then, if I need more, I can fill in the gaps with 5 other clubs who schedule monthly events. The Porsche regional club here just happens to be called The Maverick Region. I have yet to show up to one of their events but will have to eventually.
it sounds like if you run cam s you will get the trophy! this is all new to me. i know we have a porsche club and an bmw club that do autocross events. i would have to say that the scca practice day was pretty fullfilling for my needs. we got 10 runs and i was feeling pretty worn and that i had done what i could without making changes to the car. i have no shortage of opportunity to run my car, between scca at qualcom and fontana, goodguys at delmar, and the other clubs that put events on at qualcom. also their are some roadrace tracks in the la area that i can try. ill have to that im not really interested in drag racing the car any more. locally we only have an 1/8th mile nhra track and an 1/8mile parking lot track. ive never enjoyed 1/8th mile. i do like the 1/4. fontana is the closest at about 1.5 to 2 hours away. i intend to go up and do the street drags there on a rare occasion. i do want to try some standing mile racing with the car also.
Its just another facet of proving how well rounded your car is. These event are also supposed to include a cruise to some dinner destination or something like that.
I am also into autocrossing my Maverick wherever and whenever I can, mostly goodguys made it into the gazette one month. It is quite a chore throwing the steering wheel around with a manual box, I was also intrested in the electric power steering setup and the power steering box eliminates the need for a quickener like the guy from the uk mentioned. I have been looking at the gateway strut setup for my car to upgrade my setup I also have the cobra 13" rotor setup I have been needing to install for 6 months now, its hard when you have young twins
im really happy with the current feel of the power steering box with no power steering. i suspect when i start cranking up the caster in the car, that ill start to want power steering and as is sit here typing this im remembering how tired my arms were getting after about 7 runs. the great thing with doing the electric power steering conversion is that you will have a knob to adjust the amount of assist that it gives.
Just wait till you try that tight Goodguys autocross course. LOL. Some of them are pretty ridiculous.
I have a friend that Auto crossed his early Mustang. He told of how much fun it was. That was in New Mexico, but I was wondering if you knew of any Auto crossing in Southern Calif. Riverside area. I would love to try it with my 70 Maverick.