When I first watched the show. I didn't pay that much attention to them until aftter Ii seen the episode with the Maverick in it. It was you guys that had me pay closer attention to the show. I haven't watched it Since then.
The show is aggravating, not entertaining! It says a lot about the lack of knowledge and respect the producers of the show seem to exhibit...if they think that car guys are watching and approving, well.....as for the actors..we've seen tne signs before...they say "will work for food" I'm gonna steal this for a minute and say "keep calm and Maverick/Comet on"
Thanks for posting this and I am glad you were able to fix the mess for your daughter, it looks very nice now. You and your daughter are great actors because when you picked up the car on the show you were able to smile and look happy. I was watching it thinking that I would have been pissed off if they did that to my car. I tape the show and watch it because it is like watching a comedy show. It seems like it is getting worse with every episode and it is amazing that it is still on the air for a second season. I wonder how many other people that have had their cars on the show realize they ruined their car?
Good One!! I thought the same thing when I watched it! Glad you got it all sorted out... the car looks GREAT, now!!
I have not seen the maverick episode and even though I stopped watching that show after the 2nd episode I still would like to see the maverick episode. I thought the silver and black looked decent as a color scheme and I like the tail lights but I see the shoddy work sadly a lot of car show are like this. The blue looks amazing and with the silver shelby tail panel really sets it off. Can I ask where the shelby tail panel came from is it a mustang one or a custom design.
You can get the whole deal from mustang unlimited. They have it in a kit form. It is about a grand w/ everything. You need the 68 taillights section kit. ( also need the balance, for the wiring harness, sold seperate.) there is a very nice post on Cameo on how to do this conversion...How do know all of this? I am in the middle of it myself!