Thats the question... should I get a shroud for my current fan, or install an electric fan? If I go the electric fan route, there are several out there under $100... are they reliable enough? Thanks for your inputs guys, Northern
It all comes down to what you are trying to accomplish. If you do not have any cooling issues and want to keep a stock appearance go with the stock shroud. If you have cooling issues or if you want to gain a couple of horsepower, go with the electric fan. There was a recent discussion on this site about electric fans at the following post:
x2 I would not want to run an efan on a stock alternator. I upgraded to the 3G from a junkyard for like 40$
All of tbe above ulgrade to an internally regulated 4 wire alt with about 130 rating. A good SPAL Fan (s) or used 2 speed taurus sho e-fan A shroud
Got my Taurus fan off of Craigslist for $30, got a rebuilt 150 amp 3G alternator off ePay for $100. Cheap upgrade.
I got a taurus fan from pick and pull, stock 40amp alternator worked great for probably the past 6 years. dont really need the high speed though. Had a 400hp 302 with a 6 cyl nova radiator and as soon as I turned the fan on the temperature would start dropping. Hardest part will be mounting even still not too dificult.
I mounted an unknown E-fan pulled outta the trunk of a 64 T-bird on the aluminum radiator in my Comet with a shroud fab'd by "you know who" several years ago. It's been dead nuts reliable ever since (knock on wood, specially after my coolant problems in another thread LOL)
If you have a fuelie engine, I can understand running a higher output alternator with an electric fan however, I am not convinced it is necessary on a carb motor provided you have an adequate battery capacity.