Well i couldnt stand looking at my pitted rusty old rear bumper so i pulled it off and decided to paint it, i didnt want to go with the CHROME spray paint since it looks more aluminum so i found this stainless steel paint by dupli color and i must say it doesnt look to bad, its almost like a metallic flake.
Just make sure your last coat is a full wet coat so the protective resins will rise to the top before setting up. Dust coats don;t hold up as well and color can even change slightly as well. This "full wet coat" provides the protective layer that helps to avoid discoloration and smudging of the base colors metallic frits. Heating the can in hot water prior to applying heavy full wet coats helps to avoid runs too. Basically, spray "hot and heavy" and then hit it with a fan immediately afterwards to avoid sags a runs.
Yep, right back atcha', bud. Just sharing the trials and errors of nearly 30 years of painting with brushes, guns, and cans. Lots and LOTS of errors. Also just paying it forward for all the helpful tips you and others around here so graciously give us, Bob.