the up coming weekend is 2 days of autocrossing. what camera view is most enjoyable to watch? if you have any other view suggestions feel free to post them.
I chose "Inside at the top of the windshield" because it provides a clear view of the course and is shielded from the wind noise. "Top of the roof" provides a nice view but makes the course look slow. "Base of the cowl" does not show the course very well as its obstructed by the hood. Inside on the roll bar gives a good view of what the driver is doing but not much of the course. I've seen them mounted to helmets before which is an interesting viewpoint. For the novice viewer, it gets disorienting when the camera view is looking out the side window while the car is still moving forward. I like rear fender also. This gives a good view of how close to the cones you are. It would be neat to have 1 on each side and do playback in split screen mode.
while it's always interesting to see the dashboard and driver for better overall assessment.. I prefer to have a more realistic view as to what I'd be seeing if I myself were driving the car. So, I chose inside top of windshield as it more closely resembles that viewpoint. Optimum for my taste would be center top of dashboard so I wouldn't feel as if I were steering the car around the track while sitting on top of it. Lower aspect of dash mounts also reduces the pendulum affect for more realistic body roll interpretation.