Couple pics for review that were taken by Henry Schneider, a German here on vacation. I met him thru a post he made on a local car page about wanting to see a car show, so I picked him up in the Maverick and went to a failed show...he shot a couple of nice pics..Thanks Henry!
Henry has a great eye with a camera. You are a fortunate man to have met him. Reminds me of a couple of years ago when my wife and I met three young Russians at a hotel we were staying at while attending the three day weekend Rock and Race at Dragway 42. They were all three two boys and one girl, here on work vices for the summer cleaning hotel rooms. I took all three for a ride in my Comet. To use their words, they loved the American automobiles with the large engines!!! One wanted to go to the drag strip the next day very badly and we offered to take him. Unfortunately he could not get off work. Three great young people!!!
Love the color of your car! I don't know why...ahaha! Before mine was repainted it was almost exactly like yours. Nice photos and nice Maverick! By the way, where did you get those wheel center caps?
Center caps are generics from eBay, and the Maverick logo was some vinyl I had printed up from an eBay vendor