oh yeah...I almost forgot a very important item! the Samurai booster has an adjusting "ball" at the end of the plunger.(which presses into the master cylinder) I sent the wife to the local "Lowes" store and had her pick up a couple different length bolts to thread into the end of the plunger,to replace the ball one. I believe the 1 3/4 inch one worked...you'll have to measure to make sure thats the proper length.i screwed one bolt in and placed the master onto the booster several times, untill I felt it bottom out in the master ( screwing it in and out until I found the right depth) a little lock-tite and it was assembled.
...if you've been following this thread (which has been awhile). Although I do know that building a complete car does take a long time, this has been my first attempt at a "whole-car-rebuild" and even though it has been trying at times (like removal and replacement of the trans 6 times), I do feel well ahead of the game. After a year and a half, I had a vision and I havent wavered from that "prize". I have accomplished something every time I pick up a wrench. Sometimes without much progress or to just fix something I messed up before, but the wife and I have never given up. I had to cut a huge hole in the steel hood to clear the radiator i bought. who would've thought that a '70 mustang's radiator would be an inch taller than a Mavericks. I bought a fiberglass cowl hood for a mid '80's 'stang, at the local swap-meet, for the scoop. I cut a huge hole in the steel hood and mounted the scoop...one problem solved. I had the drag-radials mounted on the Cragars yesterday. I'm going to weld the exhaust to the headders on Monday and with any luck, put her on the ground ! (she's been on jack-stands for over a year now) I decided to measure twice and six times more, this time I had the tranny out. measuring everything I could think of, making sure when it went back in, everything checked out. (even though I'm a pro at it now, it doesnt mean I necessarily want to do it more times). We've decided to go ahead and tackle the interior (roll bar and dash-guages, carpet and racing-buckets) before we unleash it onto the un-suspecting public
On the topic of rebuilding the C4, i got a DVD from "Bad Shoe Productions" that walks through rebuilding the C4 from the valve body up and it only costs $30. heres the link for the curious. Its REALLY thorough and he does know what he is talking about. http://www.badshoeproductions.com/c4.html#c5 edit: Whoa im late. I only read the first page. oops.. Looks like your build is going great tho!
heheh...thankx for the link ! I kept the 200-six and C4 bolted together...I was thinking of dropping it in the Galaxie, while I rebuilt the 390. I might be askin for a headache...maybe I'll save it for a hot rod...hummmmmm
Got it running and out of the garage on Monday...drove it around the storage unit for a bit...took pics and put her away again!...lol I have to drain the oil (still has the break-in lube in it) mount the remote oil filter and go for an initial voyage to the gas station and put some good gas in her.If all goes well, take her for a short journey to see what bolt I've forgotten to tighten...lol...anyway...I'm a happy-camper so far !
First "official" showing for the Maverick today ! Everyone kept asking me if it was a "Grabber"...lol More carb work in store for me tomorrow, the damn electric-choke kept sticking *sigh*. Next viewing is next weekend...I gotta keep up !...lol (still very pleased with my first total-build-up of a whole car!)
so...here we are at the end of another year gone by. Throughout my various runs in the Mav, the only constant was the vibration from the motor. I might have the wrong flexplate behind the motor. The wife and i agreed, to be safe, we're gonna pull the motor and rebuild it. After watchin the tv show "street outlaws" since it's conception, I told the wife we were in a good place to do "just a freshining-up"...or "take her up a notch". She said "what the hell, lets go for it !". Damn I do love my wife ! After doing some checking around, I found a 10:5.1 compression 347 stroker kit for around a grand. We have a reputable machine-shop here in town to do the .30 over bore. Should keep us busy over the winter...lol I also rebuilt a 600 dbl pumper Holley and finally opened her up on the way to the storage-unit...it put me in the seat quick ! I guess all those years tuning carbs paid off ! While the motor and trans are out, we're gonna detail and paint the engine bay in preparation for the new paint job planned for the mid-year. the pic below is the paint-job planned for her...I'll post pics as i go ...also bought a 66 Mustang valance panel with turn signals to put on her, should look cool with'em !
I love to see those vintage drag paint jobs coming back. The school I went to had a 70 dart swinger donated in 70 and they made it into a race car it has some hand painted lettering on it and is a purple car, still the original paint and decent shape. last year they were talking about getting it repainted I hope the dont.
I agree with the C4 being a better choice. The C6 is bigger, heavier, and will suck more power. I have been running a beefed C4 behind my 421W that makes about 450 hp for 7 years with no issues and I put on about 3,000 miles a year. I believe the C4 was the only auto trans used in the Mavericks, although I am sure there are internal differences between the sixes and eights. Lee "THE MAV" Richart
I bought an NOS set of Maverick tail lights and then found the '70 Cougar tail lights I've always wanted (figures). I picked the '70 because they curve in instead of out like the Shelbys. I'm gonna fab up a box to recess them into the tail light panel. I have also had a '69 Charger flip-top gas cap laying around for ages. I think they'll look great together on the Maverick ! I'm still doing research on the sequential lights. The stock Cougar "black box" is hard to come by and their expensive. The "kits" they offer for the Mustangs are LED and just as expensive. i know there's a way to do it at home...just hafta keep searching...until next time !...laterz...