So I fixed the problem with my engine, the carb just needed some tuning but nothing major, got a ton of metal work done over the weekend, not gonna start welding for a few months so I wanna get all the big but yet small items off my list, I am looking for a aluminum radiator but... Here's my question, is there one on the market that looks almost identical if not close to the one that comes factory on our v8 Mavericks/Comets, I want the factory style but the performance quality, it's gonna be painted black anyways but I just don't really care for the aftermarket aluminum radiator square style with the welds showing, etc. just wanna go factory style, thanks also what exhaust are you guys running, I wanna maybe make my own, I am familiar with air flow and how it's suppose to be designed but like flow master is my route but any tips? I wanna also add exhaust cutouts so quite but gives a growl when I rev and want it to, but quite when driving, thanks
Looks like same shroud and 16" fan I picked up on ebay for $91, shipped... I'm using a stock replacement radiator, haven't seen temps over 200*...
I have a aftermarket electric fan on my 74 already when I bought it, they didn't come with electrical right? They were mechanical connected to the water pump I believe? But I'm really liking that radiator, looks really close, it's just missing those grooves on top, I have a question, so I went to inspect my radiator this morning and below the radiator cap there's a little pipe that sticks out about an inch... Needed or? Also the radiator cap looks like someone shut or slam a good on it cause it looks like it's bent inwards? Thanks
Alright thanks, I was wondering why when I start my car the radiator fluid sometimes shoot out when I open the hood
So I found the perfect radiator, it's by griffin and it gives that stock appearance, which is better, single or dual fans also and cross flow or down flow?? And do you have the exact product site of yours like dimensions and everything 71gold