while this will kill sale cost of original grabber hoods, its going make the inserts go up in price drastically till they get reproduced! Also the 54lb shipping weight seem really high. I dont remember what the original weighs but i think it was in the 30lb neighborhood. I hope the packaging is around 15 to 20 lbs.
I jumped on a household scale with my stock Comet hood that has had a mid-80s Mustang GT hood scoop added and the hood's weight was right at 50. I can't imagine an original Mav hood being much less than 45 lbs. The added bit on the front of the Comet hood and the plastic scoop can't weigh that much more.
I was told by the guy that owns the one in the photo's that it is indeed heavier than the factory hood.
That is a pretty big item to ship shipping costs on anything is getting really high fuel prices were to blame but they didn't go down when fuel got cheap
My guess is they are working on other parts too. These cars are getting really hot and there is demand and money to be made. Hope to see quality inserts from somebody soon.
without them...the hood is worthless for someone that doesn't have a stock Grabber hood already w/scoops... the 5 piece rear spoilers are hard enough to find, now we will be looking for a 3 piece Grabber hood... $500 for hood and you still need the scoops plus shipping...
Looks pretty good but not entirely accurate. I hope it does drive down the price of Grabber hoods. People have been asking ridiculous prices for them theae days.
I also find it curious that the hood was brought to market minus the scoops. Had it been me, I would have designed the scoop as an integral part of the hood, in the same fashion as the mavman carbon fiber hood. Just because Ford designed it that way is not necessarily a good reason to proliferate that design. As 71Gold points out, this particular hood will only be attractive to those that either have scoops or an old rotted out/beat up Grabber hood that still has them. I've seen scoops going for $150 on CL and the prices may well increase beyond that now that there is a re-pop hood that is not complete without them . Don't get me wrong, I'm glad its here. I have more $$$ in my original hood than I would have purchasing the re-pop. I'm just afraid that the anticipated market might not be there until the scoop issue is addressed.