Its been awhile since I've been on here. Im too caught up with work and my computer crashed so I haven't been on like I used to. The next modification that Im doing is the mustang fuel tank swap. I remember reading a thread where it explained the differences between the different year tanks, but I cant find it since im searching on my phone. If someone could let me know which year tank works best and would I need to replace the filler neck to whatever year mustang tank I use? Ive seen that CJ Pony parts and a few other mustang vendors sell the Mustang tank as a kit with the filler neck but I dont know what year tank will work best on a 73 maverick. And will I need to fabricate anything beside the longer tank straps to make the tank fit? Thanks in advance. Val
The best fit fuel tank for a 71-77 Maverick is the one made for a Maverick. Why reinvent the wheel when you don't need to. To use a Mustang tank will require a lot of modification...a Maverick tank will require only longer strap bolts.
Mine has the Mustang tank but I dunno the mods required, already installed when I bought it... It does split difference in space between sides...
I want to get the extra gallon capacity as well as having more room on the driver side for the exhaust. I know a lot of people have done it, Im just wondering which year works best and what I will need to do to make it work.
I was just going to post that Frank . It's the only working link info I have found for the Mustang gas tank swap. A little more involved than a '77 tank swap but doesn't hang down
I used a 69 mustang 19gl. you have to move the passenger side strap over, use longer strap bolts and trim some off the bottom of the filler neck to fit. I bought the 76 maverick tank from spectra for my sprint, it is also 19gl.
I have a friend wanting to do Stang tank but wants to know if it will hinder him going dual exhaust? He is swapping out 250 for 302. I know you did this swap and have experience on how it goes. I may do it myself - I wud like to carry more fuel. After I ask these questions, I searched you threads/post and found the answer.
If you have a welder and a little fabrication skills you can put in a 22 gal mustang tank. Its in my GT build thread.