Hey guys, I have a 1976 Maverick and my C4 (not C3) transmission started slipping after I took the pan off due to a gasket leak. The original fluid is back in it too. Levels are fine. I'm hoping someone can help me find the best way to completely drain my transmission and torque converter so I can put new fluid in. Also I need some help finding the adjustments for the bands. Thanks all to who can help! Taylor W.
Do a google search for c4 band adjustment lots of info. How did the bottom of the pan look when you took it off any material in it would indicate wear in the tranny and probably needing a rebuild but an adjustment might buy you some time
the only way I have found to drain all the fluid from the transmission is drop the pan and loosen the valve body bolts...let it set for a few days... your converter has a drain plug but I don't know if it will drain with it installed...
Dropping pan and removing converter plug will give at least 95% drain... In almost 50 years of working on this stuff, I've never pulled a valve body to drain the small amount of fluid that may be trapped... I would check to be sure the VB bolts are snug, seen loose ones cause slipping.. If it's slipping badly don't count on a fluid change fixing it... In the 50 years mentioned I've fixed exactly one with a fluid change, most of the remainder required rebuilds...