You guys stay safe. I closed up shop until next April.... I need to build a carport to slow down the rust a little.
Same to you : Everything Okay here in Deland , Fla. Power On , coffee made , Hope it lasts .. We'll see eh ? Cometized (Chip)
Hang tight guys .... over here it is gusty and the power has bounced several times rapidfire, and my utilities are underground, so it must be the main lines feeding those. Other than that it is gloomy, fast-moving clouds in that curved pattern, and just a hint of rain .... fast, occasional mists.
The TV is predicting the worst is yet to come around NOON today .. I hope it's brief and the power stays ON .. So Far .. So Good .. I'am sitting tight like everyone else .. Really blowing hard here in Deland ..Wind is picking up a lot . Hope you make it through the storm WITH power . See ya later Will. Cometized (Chip)
Hi Captain: Getting hit hard here in Deland .. Lots of Driving Rain and Blowing hard .. It's predicted that there will be an Increase at about Noon today .. We'll see .. Power is still ON and I'm hoping it continues. Hang tight ! Cometized (Chip)
We are getting about 40-50 mph winds right now. Already had a tornado touch down behind my house and take out a few trees. Luckily nothing near the house. I think the worst has passed for us, but still holding our breath on that one... chip hang in there and captain enjoy your mists lol!
Hi Will: Its actually letting up a bit here in Deland .. The wind is still blowing hard , Rain .. but not too heavy .. and it's getting ' Lighter ' or brighter outside .. I hope it's in it's last stages .. I'll see soon enough ! Glad you guys are safe. Cometized (Chip)