A C5ZF-H was definitely used on Fairlane and likely other carlines as well... The Z in number indicates it was engineered within the Mustang line, but for most part a 2bbl 289 was same or at least similar in all applications... Without serious modification to the intake log or maybe adapter, no 2bbl carb is going to fit a 200...
cool thing about that carb, I think its early enough to use actual holley jets. IF it is, it makes tuning a bit easier as the jest are available at most speed shops and even some box autoparts stores. I have a 2bbl like that on my 250 6, transformed the drievability but only after (as said) significant head modifications. .. obviously in process in this pic.
No the '63 was last full year of small jets, '64 usually have the large jets... Never seen a '65 carb that used small jets...
AH CRAP. ok. never mind didn't know the cutoff... however the ford carbs aren't terrible to get jets for either.