well somthing came to my attention whenever i talk about my mav. every one says i should not modify my 4 door into something more than a street car. they all say go find a 2 door. i like the idea of a 4 door capable of alot more. so whats the deal with disliking the 4 doors? or is there somthing im just not catching?-james
James, It's not so much a dislike of the 4 doors as it is the asthetics of a 2 door mav. Believe me, it's a real pain the a$$ trying to get big objects (ie a 32" tv) out a two door mav but in my opinion and apparently many others, a two door mav is just more asthecitally pleasing to the eye! But hey, if you like your four door, keeping on rollin in it, hey at least it's a mav, not a honda! Jeri
hmmmm yeah. i think i like the way the 4 door looks better. but thats just me. and thank god its not a honda!! haha. so i guess i want to know now if it is posible to get it to perform as well as some of these 2 doors?
Although I really like the 2 door, I just bought a 4 door. I will try some mods on it but my ultimate goal is to turn it into a Ranchero. Or maby it will be a Mavero.
I dont mind a 4 dr... Actually i just sold a 73 4 dr that i have owned for the last 14 yrs or so ... It was mostly stock looking and my kids would get mad at me when i picked them up from school in it .... I like cars that you dont see very often . I can go somewhere nowadays and almost everytime see some sort of old Mustang,Nova,Comaro or Chevelle but how many times do you see a Maverick ? Especially a 4dr Mav ? My 4dr was a 302 and had a great sounding exaust ... Kids in thier ricers would always roll down the window and ask me what kind of car it was...lol ... But regretfully i had to get rid of her... We moved into a new house and my garage wasnt built yet so the neiborhood yenta's got on my case about the cars being parked outside, It was either the Mav or my Galaxie.
just for the record, my son goes to this catholic school where there are a WHOLE LOT of kids there with a WHOLE LOT more money than we do. they all drive daddys' bmw, benz, jag, even mini's. there are those who have their ricers too. but they all LOVE out 4dr mav. as many of you know, my car isn't pretty. but it does have that 250 inline with all that torque and that typically light ford rear end. it is real easy to torch up the tires. they think my car is way nasty! todd isn't about to tell them otherwise. still they all turn and look when i come to pick todd up. (uhhh this doesn't mean i am gonna dump my 2dr 70)
Scott, i went to a catholic h.s. too and tell your son that despite their "cool cars" (my friend had a porche 944 for her 16th birthday, another had her moms used 91 bmw) that the mav rules and that he will be able to beat them any day, well maybe! by the way i had a bucket in h.s. (82 toyota cressida) but it took 4 really bad accidents to finally render it undriveable, then i got the mav! just a funny story! jeri
Y'all have the right idea. It simply doesn't matter what anybody says or thinks. It's just what's important to you, and what you can afford. That's one of the things I like about this community...as long as it's a Mav/Comet...who cares what it looks like or which model it is?
ooooh man you dont have to tell me... just yestarday when i was driving out of the school parking lot, I lit em up really nicely (with the whole baseball team watching) and man! that car just reaffirmed its place as one of the coolest cars in school. wait till they see my 70!
thanx Thanx for your comments guys. you mad me decide on keeping it. i really do like the 4 door. you dont see it very often..well there was one other that ive seen in my town....same year and model. we were just kinda staring at eachothers cars. i didnt notice i had a green light!! lol but that the only mav ive seen here. i live in eugene oregon. not to small, not too big kinda place. well talk to you later!-james
Two doors have the pop out 'fly' windows and that makes the cars look sporty. Four doors have more of a box look to them. Someone on the board has a yellow and black 4door mav that actually looks pretty cool.
Typically, 4-doors are not as "sporty" as two-door models. For example, there are no 4-door Camaros, Firebirds, Corvettes, Mustangs, etc. Aside from that, it's really a matter of personal preferece; you could make a hell of a "sleeper" from a 4-door Maverick. And believe me, it freaks people out (and destroys their egos) when they get their doors blown-off by an old 4-door sedan that's really not expected to have any performance. I prefer the two-door myself, however if you like your car and want to make it perform better, I say go for it and don't worry about what anyone else thinks...