thought you guys might enjoy this site alot of guys for the old days and some from the new days. I was looking around on there and I found a pic of My Dad's old Maverick (that I wish he still had) Can't tell ya how cool that was to find that pic here is a link this is where I got most of my ideas for mine
"Only registered members are allowed to access this section." (I'm on too many message boards already.) It's great that you came across a pic of your Dad's old Mav though.
very nice looking car i would join it.. but i prefer this forum.. great people, and in the past when i have joined a forum, i usually get the, "your a new guy, so shut the hell up" attitude not saying that would happen there, but of the 4 vehicle forums i have joined in my life, only 1 has been nice to me
Nothing cool 'bout a 'maro being in front of a Maverick. It might blow up and one of the pieces hits the Mav. lol.
it sure is funny.. looking back on those old pictures, i notice that all the cars had big tires, raised up higher than normal and they all had the hot rod look to them now a days, cars are lower, and have smaller tires on them call me silly.. but i like the look of the cars back then
Cool pic. That was your dads car really does look like yours. Was his a stick the way he is sitting it looks like he was gettin ready to grab a gear?
Good ole top loader wild thing was him telling me the story behind the pic.... He did win the race and it put him in the finals and took home the cash and the trophy
Very cool pic! I had a top loader in my car back in the eighties behind a High winding 289...Fun times for sure! Man I was hard on that thing....