I just got stationed at Fort Lewis, so I'm finally back home. I've 3 other Mavericks so far, including the primer gray beast that blew by the gas station I was at. (Whoever you were, she sounded great.) So, how many owners in Washington now? #1 77' 302, bored 60 over.
I'm up here in Bellingham. There are a bunch of us scattered around here. Most closer to you than me. Coop (Mercurycruisers on here) knows all of them and has I think about a hundred or so Mavericks and Comets at any given time.
If Mav's on blocks count, I have two 76's Located north of Spokane about 120 miles, pull up short of B.C. or you'll miss me. Fort Lewis, I assume a service member? If so, Thanks for serving, hope all is well for you!!! Lou
Mercury Cruizers lives out there. i met up with him and his wife while i was visiting my parents in Sequim earlier this year
I live in Pacifc (near Auburn). Not far from Fort Lewis. I go to Roy & visit friends a couple times a month. Email me & we can meet up.....
I'll be at a car show (Not entered, just looking),Saturday at Baxter Auto Parts 5950 N 9th St, Tacoma, WA 98406, US Anyone else shows up great.
I am in Seattle. I don't get out much because it is hard to get around with my back. I do support the guys with Mavericks and Comets though. I have some parts and I build a heck of a good C4. I have one finished right now.
What time is the show? That means I have to clean up the Comet. Don't know if I want to go thru the trouble. Oh! What the heck!!! I'll try to make it to Baxters tomorrow.....
Made it out to the show. Then it started raining. I hung out for 2 hours, that was enough. I was soaked. Anyway, met up with Special K (Jason). Had a nice little talk. Nice meeting you Jason, thanks for your service. Hopefully we'll get together again soon. Here's some pictures, enjoy!!!