Hey, just a heads up... Air shocks are known to break things on our cars. It's better to add a leaf, get springs rearched, or buy new springs. You do what you want to your car, but the rear shocks on our cars mount to the floor pans. Not the frame or some other sturdy point like most cars. When the shocks are forced to carry a weight load, they tend to rip the floor pan or shove up through it. Weak springs can do this IMO, because my weak springs ripped my floor pan without air shocks on my first Sprint. However, that is uncommon. Most ripped pans occur with air shocks because the sheet metal is not meant to carry a load. Air shocks take the load off the springs and apply it directly to the floor sheet metal. Just a heads up!
That will look real good once painted black, and I don't think those are too big. I wouldn't go any bigger though.
Too big IMO, but it's not my car. The car needs lowering IMO, to look better with those rims. Yet he is already talking about raising it... Raised with big rims= Donk. Slammed with big rims= Cool.
You won't have to jack up your car to change the oil, thats for sure. And make sure you check your wheel nuts often with those spacers, and maybe invest in some bigger brakes, you've about doubled the rotating mass that your car was designed for.
Where's the "scrubbing" in the rear hitting? I think that stance is near perfect, and I'd try to keep it there. If it's rubbing on the outer fender lip, you might try rolling the lip up before raising the rear up and killing the stance (in my opinion) Way back when, a friend of mine found what he considered the perfect "wheels/tires/stance" for his 70 Mustang, but the rear tires rubbed the inner fender above the lip where it starts to curve toward the top. To keep everything like he wanted it, we notched out the sections of the inner fender that rubbed, and made up new tin to weld-in that "boxed" the opening to where the tires wouldn't rub.....sort of a "mini-mini tubbing" Good call on your wheels....even though I'm personally not into anything much over 17's on cars, yours do look good. You didn't let nay-sayers discourage you or change your mind, stuck to your vision, and you nailed a big "I told you so!" LOL... So, If you like the stance it has now, don't let a little scrubbing make you change it... work on it so you can keep it. P.S. With those wheels and a new black paint job, Your car will look wicked-cool!
You don't think the front end is high? I like the rear right where it is, but the front needs to come on down to a forward rake, rather than the current rearward rake. Just my opinion... I think the rims would look cool if the car was lower. Looks like a lip roll would cure the rear.
No, the front rake doesn't bother me Yeah, it might look better a little lower in front, but it doesn't look bad the way it is....far from it. Face it, there's a rash of old Mavericks running around with original 14 inch wiener-wheels with their nose up and dragging their butts from weak leaf springs. The stance he's got here is already better than that. It's pretty much level, it doesn't look "nose-up" and though it may need some massaging to clear the rear scrubbing, dropping the front down lower on 20's like that, with the added challenge of steering clearance, might open up a whole new list of headaches and modifications to get 'em to work. He didn't have to jack up the suspension to get them on, it may sit a little higher than stock, but not to where it "donks" the car at all. Most of all though....HE likes it, and ultimately, that's all that really matters. If he wants it lower in front, I've got the feeling he'll do what he needs to get it.
Looks way better than with the mustang rims you had on it. Lowering it slightly would make it even better. What's up with the windshield wipers?
Listen to him... air shocks are bad news on these cars. I have no opinion on the wheels, other then I think you should drop the front end a bit.
thanks for all info especially on the air shocks, and its rubbing the fender lip when i hit a good bump so i will definitly look into "rolling" the fender lip....an suggestions on that im always up for learning new stuff.....and i do agree i like the stance the way it is and i do think the front needs to come down a little bit more.....any suggestions on suspension setup as far as springs/shocks.....the car leans a little on the leftside so i want to straighten it up, did that before the wheels....i was just so relieved that i didnt have the "donked" look when i first saw em on it.
I had a friend of mine that used baseball bats to roll the lip by placing it in the wheel well and against the tire and driving the car forward at a slow pace. In your case a baseball bat would probably roll too much of your lip and quarter. I HAVE not done this but I have seen it work with someone who knew what they were doing. rk
That is the generally accepted way of doing it. My suggestion on suspension mods was posted earlier... "Shelby drop" Lowers the car slightly but improves performance, especially with aggressive tires like that, greatly.
oh and about the windshield wipers.....my driverside broke its just flopping there....i have to figure a way to reach the motor and get it out to replace it.