Regarding the help given in the technical section on my distributor problem, I finally found out why the car would not start after replacing the plugs & wires, Points, Condenser and Rotor. I had the negative wire from the coil grounding out at the base of the distributor. When I tightened the nut on the points it turned the wire down, grounding it out. After I fixed that, it fired up on the first try, and I drove it all around town today. put 25-30 mi on it. Cool part was that I have been waiting for 5 years to find a Maverick, and I found one that is exactly like the one I had back in 85 (except the vinyl top). It has been 18 years since I have driven one, and man what a feeling to be back behind the wheel. My son and I counted about 25 people that stopped and stared, and one guy stopped me in the grocery store parking lot and we jawed for a while. Picture of what it looked like when I got it: Newer pictures to follow... Glen
Very cool... Your car looks almost exactly like my '72 did when I bought it, except mine didn't have an engine, looked a bit rougher, dosen't have a vinyl top, and I took the bumper gaurds off.
Sounds great! Best thing is,,,you'll never have that problem again! Jamie, you crack me up with ,,Mine's exactly like yours except it's all different!! he-he