I found a half way decent plastic pannel that fits next to the rear seat on the 2door maverick. I took it to a plastic fabracator here in Cleveland,,, he is going to see if he can make those units in black,, if it works those parts will be made for the 3 diferant styles,, I will keep every one posted on that development. Thank you Joe
I could use those...I painted mine and there was some nicking and peeling on them, and they only look half-presentable...
the ones i have are like dry rotted or something. you could rub your finger nail across the top of em and scratch off powder
Out of 8 Mavericks, I have one perfect set that came in my '74 Grabber when I bought it. They were put in by a previous owner when he changed the interior color from green to black, and are originally out of a '70. The rest of the ones I have are faded or "chalky". I could really use a nice set of black front kick panels..
when you get the word if its good to go let me know on price id like a set for my 72 sprint white!!!!!!! plz
Those rear panels are a definite " must need " part. The ones in my 77' Maverick with the black interior are in great shape, but the red ones in my other Maverick were terrible. The usual dry, flakely condition plastic gets after 20 or 30 years of baking in the sun. I don't suppose you would be making red ones in the future, would you? I realize that red interior parts may not be in great demand, but I thought I'd ask anyway.
I actually am in the same boat ,,,, My 69 1/2 in my Avitar has a red interior as well,, and I have nothing at all for it,, it will require 500lbs minimum of material for a color,, I was goint to have them done in Black and paint them,, all 5 of my cars are missing those parts,, I will let you know how they come out,, if you need a set,, its for the 69 to 71 no rear seat belts, I got somthing in the mail today,,,Thank you very much,, that helps out allot,, Joe
I am in for a set of those. I painted polyester (fiberglass) resin on mine just so they wouldn't fall apart. Cleaver
I'd say the '72 style would be the most popular, with the seat belts on either side of the rear seat.