Reproduction & OEM Maverick parts in jeopardy!

Discussion in 'General Maverick/Comet' started by Jean Doll, Nov 20, 2007.

  1. 71gold

    71gold Frank Cooper Supporting Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    i didn't see that posted...

    in the years i have been messing with...mav/comets...i didn't know...anyone needed one... :huh:

  2. 71gold

    71gold Frank Cooper Supporting Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    Jene Doll,
    if you don't mind me did you get this info to start this thread...?
    Joe, has been on here everyday with this part and that part and when there is a bring it to us.:huh:

  3. JOEXR793

    JOEXR793 Member

    Jun 24, 2007
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    I have a 1976 Maverick Stallion, and 85 More Mavericks and Comets in Inventory.
    It was never thought that any one was going to make there money back in a short time,,, we are producing parts and tooling,,, What we need is an Idea from people what they need,, and the lists sent so we can try and shelf the parts,, No one expects that 100% of all the parts will be sold,,Over night, things come up,, even when plans are made,, But if 20 people say they are looking for a part and we produce 30,, and 18 sell,, its better then having 100 produced and 18 sell,, we just need an Idea where to turn our efforts,,, and a round about number on these parts,, RPS is keeping track of all the parts list,,, we also have some of the new parts that will be coming out,, will have the prices listed well in advanced,,, The Battery tray assemblies cost,, reflects Purchasing a part,, the tray,, making the bracket welding them together painting and reshipping,, we have shipping in,,,, shipping out,, The tooling cost when recovered means the prices will go down,, But at the small numbers,, that takes a bit,, If we had an Order for 500 battery tray assembllies,,, I can pretty mutch say the price would be alot less,, We could spread the tooling cost over a greater amount. The outer frame cover is being sold for a cost almost $15 less then the one I bought for my Stallion OEM. The Battery tray bracket That I need times 5 does not exsist,,, Till now. The RT inner battery apron cost me just under $200 for my Stallion. The ones we produce will be prob $50 or so cheaper then that. Getting my dash pad made would have cost almost $500.per unit,, Times the 5 cars I have that need them,,, @$195 each I can do Two and a half cars,, Some things might seem a little high in price,,, But when only one exsist,,, who ever owns that part dictates the price,,, (Example) side marker bezzle,, E-bay sold OEM in the box $59. Our side marker reproduction,, Includes: chrome bezzle,,,, Amber or red light relector,,gasket steel mounting bracket and hardware. For around $59. My rechrome rear bumper cost me totally $500.,, New reproduction you can get 2 for that price,, Some parts will seem a little over priced,, like 1 or 2 maybe,, but the majority,,, We are definately winning the war on having lower prices on these parts.
    I actually found out how hard these parts are to get,,, after the fact of buying the 5 Mavericks and Comets I have,, This does not count the other 4 that I havent picked up yet,,, So I didnt start this to make a living off of,, I need the parts,, So instead of just making the few just for me,,, I figure Lets just help every one in the same boat. My parts list is prob greater then most,, I have Only one car that had an interior,,, Pretty beat up as well,, The car in my avitar needs everything in red for its interior,, The only way Its gonna hapen is,,, I have to make it,, None of my cars have a rear vallence,,, Craig sold me the only one I have,, out of 9 cars now I have 1,,, So I could call in a favor with my bud at the fab shop,, make me 5 of these,,, and he would,, or go alittle further and make enough for all of us,, Allot of you have helped me when I first popped up here,,, You answered questions,, directed me in the rite way,, and have this Family like envirement with the club and the Forum,, Just all around Great people,,, The one thing I can do to help in return,,, Is bring what I do every day,,, and with a twist,,,, get **** done,,, And make some parts,,,
    Some sell parts as there primary Buisness,,, I am going to be building Factories and foundies for a long time,, So please bare with us,, Mustang parts are flooding the market,,,So they are cheap,, and made in Tiawan. Maverick and Comet parts dont exsist,,, Till now.,,, So if we win the war on price and quality on 95% of the parts we can produce,,,, Will that be a Good thing,,?
    That Battery bracket is a major payne in my butt,, The other parts,,, not to bad,
    Just please help us by sending your parts request to Tony at RPS,, Your not committing to anything,, just letting us know What parts are needed,, gives us an Idea on the number we need to produce, and what parts are needed the most,,
    Some of you have posted what your looking for,, and I found out that RPS already has it,,, So by E-mailing RPS direct,, You will get a response saying,,Hey got half of your list,,,The part numbers are------,, and the price is-----, . If it is out of stock or pops in at a later time,, He will E-mail you letting you know its in and the price,,

    We are comitted on making these parts,, Just need some help and feedback on a few things,,, If your wondering why on some parts the price comes out after the tooling is done,,, They charge by the hour to make the tooling and prototype,, Not had a place estimate the tooling down to the exact price yet,, some are so far out there with the cost,, Its find another that will work with us and do it this way,, But the battery tray assemblies are being made,, I know that my cars are covered,, and a few others that want them are happy as well,, It wasnt a bad call, Atleast it exsists now,.
    Maverick/Comet parts +3 and counting. Every time a new part becomes available,, we can add another,, I made a promiss,, I plan on delivering,

    Thank you All
  4. Jean Doll

    Jean Doll Maverick Restoration Tech

    Mar 9, 2002
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    Joe and I have talked on the phone a few times, and he has expressed some concern over the making of the parts. From what he has told me, he has been putting in 7 day weeks and extremely long hours trying to get things going with the Maverick parts. He also told me he meets almost every day with Tony from RPS who also has concerns about the lack of information he's getting regarding the numbers of parts we are interested in. All this has gotten Joe a bit worried. I'm sure he realizes our own corcerns regarding the cost of the parts, and he's trying to do the best he can to keep things rolling. So where do I come in? I guess you could say Joe needed someone form the forum to act as a sounding board besides himself to try to get his message across.
    I give Joe a lot of credit for trying to do something that no one else has tried to do, and would very much like to see him suceed. I'm just as concerned about the final cost of the parts as everyone else. Forturnately, I don't need that many parts right now, but the ones I do need nobody makes anymore. I think we are all in that same boat when it comes to our cars. This project Joe is undertaking could be a very good thing for us. The only way we will ever find out just how good it could be is if we give it a chance to work.
  5. Columbus Comet

    Columbus Comet Member

    Aug 9, 2006
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    Thanks Joe and good luck.
  6. rayzorsharp

    rayzorsharp I "AM" a Maverick!

    Mar 10, 2002
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    Three 71 Maverick Grabbers, a 72 302 Sprint, a 73 LDO 2door parts car, a 76 silver v8 Stallion.
    Well, I guess my desire to have these parts available for our cars tends to make me be a little more optimistic than some of you. I too found it hard to believe that there are people (or companies) that were willing to invest hundreds of thousands of dollars to make these parts available. I personally spoke with Joe (as some of you did) for over 3 hours and I was thoroughly impressed with the enthusiasm and dedication this man has in this tremendous project. I honestly can not comprehend how anyone could or would afford to spend this kind of money on our cars but I certainly must respect the fact that they ARE doing this! I'm not rich either so I certainly can't go out on a spending binge and ordering all of these parts just because they are available but I will certainly buy what I can, when I can. I certainly hope with all my heart that Joe is successful in this venture but I have no control over it and will not feel responsible if the venture fails. All I can ask of everyone on this board to at least spread the word in a positive way (don't be so skeptical) and help out in any way we can. Right now they are only asking for a simple wish list of parts we would like to have for our cars. I think most of the parts have been wished for time and time again so the list should be fairly easy to compile.
    I can only ask that everyone be a little more compassionate and respect what Joe is trying to do. If he is successful, we all win!!! is saying you have to buy anything because we all know that if the part is too high it won't sell and if you don't need it you won't buy it. A very simple fact that seems to be getting overlooked though is that the Maverick community is growing by leaps and bounds with new members every day. I know because I greet them every day as many of you do. I sincerely believe there is going to be enough demand...maybe not today or tomorrow, but in the coming months to support this venture. We have close to 7500 members the last time I looked so there are a lot of potential customers out there...just on this board. I'm sure you guys talk to as many people as I do that don't even know this board exists so there is no telling how many Maverickers are really out there. Right now Joe needs our help in determining which parts are needed the most so the money will be concentrated on the right parts first. The lists that everybody provides should have the parts on them that you really feel like you would buy...if...the parts are affordable as promised. It's as simple as that. It's not a commitment to buy! It's not your money being invested so what does it hurt to go along?
    Okay guys, let's step up and see if we can make this work. We may NEVER get this chance again!!! :huh:
  7. MaverickConnect

    MaverickConnect The Maverick Connection

    Apr 8, 2005
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    1971 Grabber, & 1971 SuperGrabber
    Good luck, Joe. I know first hand it's a totally up hill battle. Everyone hopes you succeed though.
  8. Columbus Comet

    Columbus Comet Member

    Aug 9, 2006
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    72 Comet GT,03 Cobra,06 Wide Glide
    Well said Rayzorsharp!
  9. ratio411

    ratio411 Member

    Apr 22, 2002
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    Mail sent.

    I gave a list of what I have had trouble finding, and also made it clear that a list like that would take me at least 18 mos to complete.
  10. Jamie Miles

    Jamie Miles the road warrior

    Feb 8, 2005
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    I don't think any of us are trying to come down hard on the guy. I think everyone here hopes for nothing but the best, I know I certainly do and would love to be able to get alot of these parts brand new that I was going to have get rechromed or otherwise restore.

    Joe, would just like to say I think I speak for a great number when I say I truly appreciate all the effort and investment you are putting into this. The subject of reproduction parts has been discussed on here many times in the past, and it always comes to the conclusion that there would be no person or company willing to put forth the effort and investment for our cars. So this is the kind of thing we have all hoped for on here for a very long time, and we've had a guy or two in the past come on here claiming to be able to get parts reproduced and this and that,, and then disappear... So some skepticism is to be expected. You seem to be the first one to step up to the plate and really try to get the ball rolling on this. I really appreciate it.

    I will come up with a list tomorrow with what all I need. I won't be able to buy the stuff tomorrow or the next day, but I will as the money is available for me to do so.
  11. Jimmy2gates

    Jimmy2gates Member

    Apr 9, 2007
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    Well i dont know about you guys but finding parts in Canada is alot harder to find than the states ,so my parts list is in ,front and rear side marker lights ,front and rear small bumpers for 69.5 mav ,front and rear valances and a front spoiler for below front valance for better cooling ,oh I TOLD HIME HOW HARD IT IS TO FIND ENGINE MOUNTS AND ENGINE FRAME RAIL MOUNTS FOR V8s,i need a set :cheers: Jimmy2gates ps ,i sent my list to Tony at RPS
  12. Jamie Miles

    Jamie Miles the road warrior

    Feb 8, 2005
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    13 Mavericks
    Those parts are already available brand new. Auto Krafters carries the frame mounts, and the engine mounts should be available at a auto parts store or on ebay.
  13. MikeG747

    MikeG747 Member

    Apr 5, 2005
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    1973 Maverick Grabber, 347 4V w/F-1X, 1974 Maverick Grabber 302 4V, 1974 Maverick Grabber 302 2V, 1971 Maverick Grabber 302 4V.
    I sent my list to Tony. Joe I want to thank you for what you are trying to do for Mavericks & Comets.(y)
  14. CaptainComet

    CaptainComet Large Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    I just sent my wish list in to RPS.


    Thanks for the link.

    Lack of a link in the first post by Joe, coupled with my short attention span and early AM need for caffeine are probably why I didn't already get my list mailed. :rofl:
  15. Pasc

    Pasc Looking for Stallion part

    Mar 26, 2007
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    76 Stallion
    Well my father's Stallion need everything that is under the car. Floor pan, frame rail etc. Some part are rusted, some are rotted and some are not there anymore!! Not everybody live in a snow free state :)

    Am i the only one who bought the the frame cover??? I hope not!

    I know i will repeat myself again...but i saw and touch the quality of the frame cover. I know the next part to come will be awesome and they will worth every penny!! BTW Joe, i want to see the pic of your stallion restoration :D

    Indeed. We have the chance to have some hard to find part for our cars. I'll take the example of my father Stallion. He showed the car to the shop who will restore it. They said they can do the job, but all the part that need to be replace will be hand maid. Do you know how much it could cost to my father to do this kind of job? Now that job will be much more easier to do if the shop already has the part they need! And the part are OEM correct too!!!

    Amen to that!!! I'm in the same boat as you my friend. The shipping on some part is crazy!!! I found only one junkyard near me that COULD have Maverick/Comet in it. It is very hard for us to find part for the Stallion. Thanks to this great community and the members here we can have part for these car. A lot of eBayer simply dont want to ship to Canada (see the post about the Stallion horn button...again thanks Rick for you help!) and this make the repair/restoration of our car more complicated.

    Just my :2cents:
    (and to practice my english too :D)
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2007

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