Rando76 and myself went mav hunting yesterday. I had gotten a tip that there were some at an old Ford dealership. The cars were supposed to be complete not salvage yard leftovers. The story is that the owner of the dealership would take trade-ins that were not nice enough to put on the lot and just park them in the field out back, not wholesale them.So these are supposed to be complete cars that were running when parked 30 years ago. I even saw pics of two 2-doors that appeared to be in good shape. Needless to say we had high hopes. Well we get to the place and the story is true unfortunatley the family of the deceased delership owner has been selling off the 700 plus cars for 2 years.Not alot left. We did find 4 complete 4-doors in fair condition but all cars outside are $350.00 each no matter what. A reasonable price for 2-doors but a little high for 4-doors in my opinion. Randi even tried to get all 4 for a reduced price and they wouldn't budge. Here are some pics. Cary
More pics These are more pics of a 1976 v-8 car in the building. It is very nice supposedley 30k originall miles. Takes $4000.00 to buy this one. Cary
Randy found this also. I was a little late so Randy is driving around waiting for me and found this at a car lot. It is clean and very little rust. It has a 6cyl auto with air but the coolest thing was the factory radio delete panel still intact. This car is $2500.00. Cary
i think those cars have been on ebay with a BIN price of $350. they've been trying to sell them off on there for about a year or so.
There are several Granada's, I think I saw 3 2-doors and a couple of 4-doors. No ESS models,nothing with floor shift and no Disk 9inch rears. Cary
$350 is close to what a car is worth as scrap now days.....except you have to throw some labor at it to process it to the point to where it is worth that much. Cleaver
Randy and I discussed it but with them all being 6cyl's the engines aren't in demand, they are all big bumper cars, again not a whole lot of demand and they have been sitting for 30 plus years so must interior would be questionable. We just finished parting out a 76 4-door I paid a hundred bucks for and ended up giving away most of it. Oh and only 2 of these cars are disc brake cars. So we figured the rearends and front fenders, windshields, and maybe some trim would be about it. We just didn't think they were worth all the effort. Oh and they are 2 hours from home. It would be nice to get parts only but you have to take the whole car off the property. Cary
That is pretty cool that this car is Factory AC AND radio delete!! Check out the cool bowling alley sign in the background!!