I was invited but couldn't make it. Working on ASSEMBLING my maverick, not tearing one apart This is fan2488 and 924 mav, not sure who the third guy is...
I did that once years ago with a cutting torch and didn't rotate the car...I discovered that you should never cut a car apart under your feet. Especially when it's got undercoating! I caught my leg on fire. When I noticed and told my shop partner (stoner) he asked if he should use the hose or the fire extinguisher. I'm like, "JUST PUT ME OUT!" Ahhhh...memories!
It was the Ed (fan2488) and Ed (924 Mav) Maverick Cut up Party. And cut up we did. The third guy (in the orange shirt) is a local friend who went with me to trailer the cars home after I purchased them. It was a great day hanging out with Ed (fan2488) He sure knows how to tear a car apart. He was removing pieces about three times as fast as me. We were both whooped at the end of the day though. He took the roof home which is in great condition to replace his daughters rusted vinyl top on her grabber. We took off more than I was originally intending on because we could not stand to throw good Mav parts away. I do have parts that I do not need so if anyone is looking for something feel free to email me. Thanks again Ed for all your help. Ed
Just old aftermarket wheels. My dad had a set on his old '84 Mustang GT he used to have. I'm sure someone would want them.
I woulda slapped some subfame connectors on it at this point. Drove the crap out of it as a convertible at the ranch or just around the neighborhood...