The first time I owned my '72 Grabber back in 1976. My buddies and I called it the A$$-Grabber. Now that I got it back about 2 years ago. I call it "Old Joe". Joe was the name of the family friend who bought the car new and I got it from the first time. Joe passed away a few years ago, so I thought the name would be fitting.
The wife calls her 4dr 75' "The Green Beast" cuz when we bought it it was in need of some serious work. Come to find out 2yrs after we bought it the guy we bought it from said to a neighbor that he suckered us cuz it would never be back on the the look on his face when we drove it around the block in front of his house w/the spinners and new hood scoop on it. My Black 70' we just brought home was dubbed "The Black B#$%&" by the wife because now all the focus is off her car and on mine. My daughter calls it "The Black Screaming Machine of Death" Lord knows why since she don't run and only has the 6 cyl in
I call my cars buy the year and what they are... the 72, the 73, the 76 parts car, the 72 Grabber, the Capri, the Fiat, the F250, etc.. Any one of them can be called "stupid old POS" or any other host of names I can't mention here from time to time. My '80 Capri RS was called "Old Red" by the previous owner. The car is red with red interior. Our '04 Lincoln LS is either "the hot rod Lincoln" or "the stinkin' Lincoln". My boss used to call the '95 Mustang "the Ruststain". My boss had a purple Dodge Neon that everyone called "the purple panty dropper".
Mike's is named Miss Kitty because that was Maverick's girlfriend's name on the show. Mine is named Daisy. Mike made a smart mouth comment about riding with me is like driving with Miss Daisy (no we are not divorced, yes he is still alive). The name Daisy just kind of stuck with her. I have to admit that I sometimes drive a little slow. I like to do the speed limit, I don't creep and hold up traffic. But, I am making a conscious effort to go at least 5 miles over the speed limit now after "The INCIDENT". I had worked third shift, gone to my doctors appt, did a couple errands, and was driving Mike to his doctors appt. in Vincennes (40 mins away) still not having slept yet. When in this really hurt tone of voice Mike says to me " You just got passed by a smart car." I looked in the other lane and sure enough, there was the back end of a smart car! HOLY SH_T! I was NOT driving Daisy at the time so I have not humiliated all Maverick owners world wide. I was driving the Vibe and it sits in the driveway most of the time anyway. I don't know if Mike will ever trust me to Miss Kitty but I swear Daisy will NEVER EVER get passed by a smart car!!
Mira... from what used to be thought of as the longest comet "tail" observed by astronomers... I think it's now classed as a 'red giant' star. It's old and red... just like my Comet. and my second Comet will be Mira II... but once I start driving it... well, some other girly name might just roll off my tongue and seem more appropriate.
Barney. Because its purple and when I bought it, they had stickers on the front windsheild that said "BARNEY". I thought that looked pretty stupid so peeled those letters off. Family still calls it Barney though.
I just call my mavericks by the color or year it is lol. Like the gold car or the 73 or like "the one we got from georgia"