WOW, I never knew that your sprint fell into a state of disrepair like it is in that second picture. Couple other things I noticed.. You must have put that hood scoop on very shortly after you bought the car and that old picture (Pic#1) those are some wide tires on the front of that car for back in the day. not too many people put wide tires on the front of their cars back then...kinda cool
I gave up on buying a nice Comet grill to replace my trashed one so I clipped all the grill out and replaced it with wire shelving like over your washer/dryer. It was supposed to be temporary but it's been almost a year now soooo...yeah. I did add steel mesh behind it for bug protection. The little guy guards my ride when I go inside. You make do with what you got when you ain't got a lot.
I put the scoop on within 3 months after buying the car. The front tires are the same size that came on the car originally. D70x14.
here's a before and after of the '77 i had.... well the only thing that changed was that i give it a good cleaning before... after....