This was my first maverick and race car I owned, I was 17 when I bought it! It was a 75 with 351 cleveland c-4, 9" spool 4:88 gear!! Dad made me put roll cage in it!! Sold it to build pro-street 66 comet!!
A '66 Comet (289, 4 door) was my first car in high school. Loved that car, though it was a real beater. I had been looking recently for a 2 door, but went the Maverick route instead.... ...interesting coincidence, the fascination here with both in several members.... Chris
That seems to be quite common on this forum. I'm on another forum for old late 70's-mid 80's "four eyed" Fox Mustangs and Capri's, a forum for Rangers, and a forum for '67-'72 bumpside Ford pickups. There are several people off this site that are also post those same forums, found them by total coincidence, came across them just randomly reading posts on those forums.