Hello! Always good to hear from a fellow NC member! Know any good junkyards with small bumper parts?? I'm just outside Winston-Salem. Scott
i grew up in ...Pittsboro NC...my Mom lives in Sanford...:Handshake i have a lot of coworkers that moved up to Winston Salem ( RJR ) when our plant closed... ...Frank...
dont know of any junk yards in that area, if you lived in the albermarle area i could probrably be more help. i live in the hurricane zone
Hmmmm..... .....maybe there is enough interest to have a Mini-Meet here in the Carolinas? There is a Mustang and All Ford show in mid to late June here in the Triangle area. Tim Wilmoth usually comes down from VA to this show with me. By the way Tim, it's in June this year, not September! Would anybody be willing to come to Morrisville between Durham and Raleigh off of I-40? I believe the date is Sat June 21??? It would be a good meet and greet, and we CAN get a spot to ourselves in the corner or something. :Handshake I am tight with the President of the host club. Seth Roberts MCCI State Rep Coordinator redcometgt@aol.com 919-632-7384
How Far? Whatever it is from your house to Owensboro, add 11 hours-pulling a trailer! Come on down! Seth