The Boomerangs are going thru the Final Proccess for Chroming,, we are going to look at the Quality of the parts and make our decision on the project,, Sample parts along with pics and Prices will be posted next week, ,, we have done alot of design changes to the tooling to get these where they need to be,,, I should have in my hands the first chromed prototypes Tuesday,,,, Thank you for being so Patient,,, I do believe these parts will excede every ones Expectations,,,,, Alot of Battery Tray assemblies have been shipped out thus far,, I do hope every one is happy with the Quality control we have on all the parts we are producing,,, Thank You Joe
apron for under the battery tray joe..did i miss something????is the fender apron replacement panel battery side available yet..not much sense to proceed untill that panel is about it joe!!
We actually started running them off,,,The tooling tore thru the sheet metal,, they are working the probleb out and I hope we can get solved here next week,,, I will keep every one posted,,,:Handshake
Seems that the manufacturer used the wrong Chemical make up in the composit,,, It would not chrome,,, So they were contacted and made aware of the problem,,, They called me and sayed yes in fact they ran all the Boomerangs on the Basis of non-Chromed Composits,, we have 2 types of Boomerangs,,, one is paintable,, they ran all of them in that composit,,, They are making the correction now,, Hoping to have the new ones made up By mid next week,,,
have you put paint on the non-chrome ones to test the paintability of the part. i would think it would have to be painted with a...flex the kind used on ...bumper covers. thank you and your...people...for all ya'll are doing... ...:Handshake...
Yes we have,,, I will post some pics of the Non-chromed Boomerangs and them being painted with Uro Prime and base coat clear coat,,
Yes we have done painting,,,and its a good easy thing,,,They already come in Uro-Prime,,, Just scuf and and paint and clear coat,,,