I was pulling in the driveway today and there was a car I didn't recognize there. Lo and behold, there was a guy there asking if the maverick was for sale. MY Maverick? MY crap green black fendered 4 door frankensteiner? Desired? I was flattered, but I said no. I might have sold off the Chevy truck sitting in the front yard, though. I really did know this would happen eventually. And this probably won't be the last time.
I get asked nearly every time I take my car out. So far, I have resisted some pretty good offers. But, the car IS NOT FOR SALE........at this time!
Yeah. If I had a grabber or at least a 2 door in as good as or better shape than the 4 door I have now I might be open to thinking about considering maybe selling it.
The last time I got really bugged about selling I told the guy $20000.00. He just about choked so its been awhile since anybody has asked which is good.
the other day there was a note on mine, asking if i wanted to sell it, tht note wound up on a 85 civic at safeway, hope he calls.
Last year at a race, A guy came up to me and was looking at the car, He was crawling around on the ground looking under the car, Looking at the engine, interior everywhere. Finally he ask is the car for sale? Naturally i said no. He said Everything has a price so how much? I did like you, But i said 25000.00. I figured the guy would hightail out of there and go tell his buddies that there is a crazy man over there wanting 25000.00 for a Maverick, Instead he says" You got a flashlight? I give him my flashlight and he proceeds to look the car over again, Top to bottom. The whole time asking questions. His main question that stuck in my mind was can this car be built for that price? I started thinking (to myself) No i don't think i could rebuild this car for that. Anyway he finally got through looking and said" I'm going to get my wife and let her look. Well, While he was gone i started thinking REAL hard, What if this guy comes back with the money? What would i do without my Maverick? So while he was gone i loaded up the car and told the girl friend, "lets go". I got away from there as fast as possible. Since then when someone ask, I just say that it belongs to my boys and that is usually the end of conversation. Morale of story, DONT PRICE IT UNLESS YOU ARE WANTING TO SELL IT. Because there is someone out there that has plenty of money and not enough time to build one for themselfs.
I've had 3 inquire's for my, needs rear quarter fixed and a good paint job, Mav. But to all inquirers, I have to respond, No. I mean, who want's a Maverick???? Ken
That's what amazed me about the offer today. I have QP damage, too. The paint is worn as well. It's a strange world- you'd have to be crazy to buy a maverick....Hey waitaminnit!
it must be a blower thing cuz some guy was serious about buying my car for that same price.... or maybe it was 20k i forget now... either way i'm still shocked that someone would pay that for a maverick...lol! but yes people can be very serious! but i think..... i would be able to build the same car again for that price and do it right the first time...lol! then again finding a maverick is slim and done these days.
I've been seeing a few Mavericks pop up for the last few weeks in The Recycler around here.. Usually for around 2500. And yes even MY car has been asked to be bought! Twice! Both times the "buyer" didn't know what it was. So far I've gotten Mustang, Camaro, Charger and Challenger!
I have a very similar story on this. I had my car in a small local show a while back. There was this one guy that kept coming back and lookin my car over then finally asked me what I would take for it. I told him it wasn't for sale. That if I sold it I would just have to build another one. He also insisted that everything had a price. I told him not this one. He walked on only to come back a few minutes later and asked me the same thing again. Same answer. He walked away again. I decided that I would just blow him away if he came back. And yep, about 15 minutes later...here he came. Same question, different answer. I said "If I were to sell this car it would take $30K to get it!" His only response this time was "See... I told you everything had a price" and he walked away for the last time! And believe me, I would have sold for $30K I have two more cars I have to start building as soon as I get my shop up.
I have people stop a lot and ask about my cars, it seems like teenagers mostly interested in the Maverick but the most interest is in the Morris! People want to know what it is thinking its a vw!