Might be able to find one but building one like you really want it can be a different story if you have to pay to have it done.
20 Grand?? I doubt I would take 30 for my green car, I'd never find a one owner, California car, with A/C, and low serial numbers ever again. But maybe 40 grand
Good point. No matter what you pay for the car in the first place a show quality build up would put you in over you head even with 20k, huh?
if i did it myself and found a decent body for about 1k to 1500 i'm sure i could redo my car easy for that amount! i wouldn't buy a car already done... though it would be cheaper it is not the same when you build it yourself... i mean given that not everyone can do body work, paint and weld... but you get the point.
Exactly. Everyone has their own taste. I seriously doubt that you will find two cars on this board that are identical in every respect. Especially if it's a modified car. That's what makes us all mavericks...we dare to be different!
Wow I gotta say if someone offered me that kind of money, I'd be a little more than tempted heck i could sell, buy an all orginal one, needing no work then put a downpayment on new Mustang. But I would have to have a Mav or Comet too still!
Ms I usually try to put a price on everything that is just high enough to put off the strokers and tire kickers but not too high that it is out of reach for someone serious. There are so many cars that I like that I don't have any trouble finding something else that I am interested in when one sells. However, I went to a little car show last Sunday and a guy asked me if my Nova was for sale. I just shook my head and said, no. Cleaver
Even if you were selling your maverick you still could have said no. Plus, it's like a general car guy rule I think that if you can't properly identify the car you're asking then you're definitely going to get told the nay-no.
I've had people want my Comet(and here lately,the Green Pea 75),the funny thing is,the older/more run down it gets,the more people seem to want to buy it.If I WANTED to sell it I probably couldn't get scrap price out of it(my luck).