After a 15 year nap in a Missouri garage, the 72 4 door, aka "Maggie" is officially back on the streets. Things I've done so far, put correct grill back in, install correct trunk trim, install correct quarter panel trim, paint 2 matching hubcaps, new cap, wires, rotor, points, & plugs, new rear wheel cylinders, rebuild front cylinders, rebuilt carb, new thermostat, and changed out fuel tank. Things I still need to do include, get grease fittings in upper a arm bushings, get ac working, install vinyl top, get new or at least better tires, get sport lamps working, and last but not least, get a push rod and change the valve cover gasket. But hey, it's drivable and runs pretty darn good. Engine is smooth and transmissions shifts smoothly through al the gears. Best thing is there is not one thing leaking from this car. Not even the power steering.
I love the car, a four door family mav or comet is cool!!!. On a side note Dennis, Thank you for the full set of bumper brackets...
Not just snow tires, studded snow tires!!! Size DR78-14. Free to good home, you pick up. I also noticed this car has one of those Tiger fans in it. Now I have 4 of them. Yes, I changed the rear bumper. Since the front did not have the guards on them, and the rear guards were tore up bad pluse the left guard was mounted crooked, I just replaced it with a plain bumper.