I'm trying to buy my car a distributor.. But i don't know what the difference is between Single and Dual vacuum ones? They both seem to be the same price for mavericks. And google hasn't helped much. I even asked a guy at auto parts store, Who had no clue what the difference is. Does anyone know? Haha Thanks. Sorry to ask such a question.
Buy the single Vacuum pod, The double was an attempt at better emissions. Which will not really be any benefit to you unless you are boosted. If you are then you need the correct ELECTRONICS.
Ford stopped putting single advance distributors in cars years ago. Anything newer than 1968 have dual advance
I`m pretty sure thats not true , I`ve seen many many fords newer than `68 with single vac advance distributors .
You seen single diaphragm but not single advance. Dual advance has a diaphragm AND weights under the breaker plate. See: http://mmb.maverick.to/attachment.php?attachmentid=28553&d=1218170717
Sorry for the late response (i didnt get them in my email like i usually do) I was just going for a stock replacement (just needed something to make it run). I bought the single... But havent had time to install it... Tried reading the How To, and just READING it lost me, So i am a little hesitant to try putting it in
Heres the description i was going off of: http://www.misterfixit.com/distrib.htm Is that about right? Maybe i am not comprehending it for some reason due to all the technical terms. I will be trying to do it in a couple days (trying to figure out the carb first... which isn't going any better haha)
That's basically it. But the instructions forgot to tell you to remove the distributor after you are sure the engine is at TDC. I always mark the distributor housing where the rotor is pointing AND the distributor housing is in relation to the block. This way I know where everything is pointing and I can put things back where I got them. If the oil pump drive does not want to fall back in place don't rotate the engine...just a very short "bump" with the key is all that is needed. The word "Rotate" sounds too extreme.