HAHAHAHA!!! I'll take a dozen with just that picture!! OH wait it's 2008, who uses a calender these days...
are you still picking the cars from the posted pics. and the high res pics. be sent for the printer later? ......
Hello Frank ,this is how its going to work ,photos for the calendar can be submitted till sept 14 at midnite(high res ). After that the calendar photos will be posted to be voted on by the members of this forum ,the top 13 with the most votes over a 1 week period will be in the calendar.The winning top 13 photos will be uploaded to a disk and given to the printing company to lay out for the calendar.The calendars will be ready to ship out by or befor the 15 of Oct /08. The up date on the calendars price is 25.00 or less ,im hopping for 25.00 each shipping included.We need to hit 100 or more for this price.
I'm thinking voting should be on the high res only. If they have been submitted in the locked thread then those will also be included in the vote. This is how I am voting to ensure the pic(s) can be used. I may or not select two or more of the same car also.
Blugene ,im not over riding anything you do ,this is your thread and YOU call the shots here . What you say goes and how you want it done is how it will be . I believe were on the same page , cheers James
Between the girl and everything else, I'm confused. Whats the purpose of the gallery for the calender pic's? are those the ones being voted on? or what?
SO! The ones in the ""2009 Maverick/Comet Calendar Photos" gallery are the ones that will be voted on!! Thats the final answer!! all others will be tossed aside!! and used as bookmarks in assorted Car Craft & Hot Rod magazines.
Not sure what you mean Dave. I personaly am voteing on the two, the thread that was locked AND the pics in the calander gallery. But only the high resolution ones. If you can think of something better please share cause we want a good fair calander. Ummm, Fast Fords is better than the two your reading Dave