HELP !!! Can anyone help me identify the "posi" carrier shown in the attached pics? It is installed in a 9" third member. Only identifying marks I can find is "V4 6 215" stamped as can be seen in one of the pics. I have not disassembled it but internally it looks like it is using springs and gears, not clutches. If someone recognizes it, I'd be curious to know who makes it and how it compares to a Ford Trac Loc. Thanks in advance
I think you would need to post a picture showing the INSIDE for anyone to be able to identify the type of posi...
It's a posi,,, see the bolts holding the ring gear on, when the have the machined recess like yours does, Congratulations! You are the proud daddy of a posi!
Unfortunately I'm out of town for a while on business... I do have a pic that I took thru the axle opening but really isn't any help. Doesn't look like the Ford Trac Loc and I have not been able to find anything on-line that even looks like it. It has only one (1) set of spline on both sides where a Trac Loc has 2 sets on the driver side. And you can see springs thru the axle openings. Sorry I can't provide any more info right now... was hoping someone would recognize the design.
Thanks... I agree, thats how you can tell especially if it is a Ford product. No recess, open. Recess, Trac Loc. But this is nothing like any Ford Trac Loc I've seen.
nothing like my Trac-Lok unit.... mine has a slightly machined surface on the end where the bolt holes are. looks open to me but i could be wrong
ive never seen a 9" carrier like that and ive see alot of different rear ends in my time. when you look through the splines can you see all the way through or is there something in the center. the mention of springs leads me to belive that it is a locker not a posi.
Agree... I'm sure I'm far from seeing everything (obviously) but I've been messing with Ford stuff since the early 70s. I've never seen one like this. Typically a Trac Loc will have spyder gears, clutches, etc and can be seen thru the axle opening. And with a Locker you can see unobstructed thru the carrier. I am attaching a couple of pics that I have looking down the axle spline. Didn't post them earlier as I'm not sure if they are of benefit. It looks more like a Track Loc but there seems to be no room for clutches and you can see springs inside (yellow spot in pic). ** If you save the pic on the left to your PC and open it and Zoom it to about 400% it provides a little more detail. Hope this helps...
Ummmm....this one does... or this one so do alot of others....they use the center pin for alignment not to hold gears. I am just starting to wonder though if you have one of these
that one has what we refer to 4 pinion set up that refering to it having 4 spider gears riding on 3 shafts. can you spin one of the side gears by just sitcking your finger in the splines and turning it? i vote for taking it apart.
Unfortunately I'm going to be away from home for a while and will be unable to take it apart or try turning the splines... sorry. As I mentioned, it has only one set of splines on each side unlike the Ford Trac-Loc that has 2 sets on the driver side if that makes a difference. I have spent considerable time on-line looking for something that looks like this and by the number (V4 6 215) stamped on the carrier... even to the point of search Google "Images". Would you suspect this uses clutches like the Trac-Loc? The way the housing tapers it leaves little room for too much. Any idea as to the manufacturer? I doubt it will help, but I will post a pic of the ring gear. Ring gear P/N D2TW 4210A 10-35 (3.50). Do you recognize the gear mfg?
Actually, a "locker" (as in Detroit Locker brand) will not have any pins. I have a real Detroit Locker (similar to the Eaton version shown in your last link) and it is a straight shot through the axle bore(s). The word "locker" is being used like "Kleenex", it's actually a brand name, not a generic term... Russ