A couple of questions, Roz: Is the compressor kicking in? If it is, the center of the pulley where the bolts are located will be turning. If not, check to be sure there is 12 volts on the wire going to it. If it is working, touch the lines coming out momentarily. One should be cool, or even cold, with water condensing on it, and the other should be warm, or even hot [that's why I said momentarily, the high, or hot side can burn your hand]. If there is not any difference in temp of the two lines, then you don't have enough freon in the system. It is possible if they didn't replace all the "O" rings on the lines, that the freon could have leaked out overnight. I converted a Chevette a few weeks ago that pulled a good vacume, then before I charged it, would leak back down. I traced every line that I had replaced, and found a cut o ring, it was bad from the factory.
I'll check that. Another thing. I had the heater control valve replaced two years ago. The place used a black one, not the silver metal like the one that was there. Is it possible that this is routing heat into the A/C? Roz
If your in doubt...get a cut off switch to stop the hot water....What condition are the door flaps in inside your a/c box....the door insulation usually deteroites after 30 years...honestly after 40 years...id take the box out and rebuild the unit...and replace the insulation on the doors
i have one of the "black' valves on my car....i noticed when i bought it that they work...vac. close and vac. open... you may want to check to see that it is...closed with vac. on.. ...to check...start the car...turn the A/C on...check for vac. on the hose. if there is vac. there... turn the car off, take the hose off the...H/valve and pull a vac. on the valve (don't start the car with the hose off) to see if it will close. it should be a...normal open valve...(w/no vac.) it took longer to write this than it does to do it... ...:Handshake...
I'm getting so many different opinions I feel like I'm a patient on House . My neighbor's husband was a Chrysler mechanic and he says there's too much oil in it. My mechanic, who is very touchy about being told what to do, says the old fashioned compressor doesn't work with the new R134 freon. He says the pressure from the new stuff broke the valves inside the compressor. He said the compressor needs to be replaced and filled with R12 freon. I asked how much this would cost (the new compressor cost over $400), and he said "nothing, it's on the warrantee ." So at least he's honest. He said he can replace it on Tuesday. So I'll let you know how this soap opera ends (if it ends, those soaps never do!). Roz
i Woulda stayed with R-12 in the beggining...it cools much better than 134....Yes it more expensive but worth it. My girlfriend has a new Nissan armada a/c sucks....my buddy has a new Dodge Cummins...A/C SUCKS!! i remember in the cars i grew up in ...you had to turn down the A/C cuz it was so cold.!!.....im doing R-12 in my car when i get to that point!
It was Steve's mistake putting the R134 in it in the first place. Now he's gonna have to eat $400 for a new condenser and R12. It's 110 degrees here today. I really need good A/C in that car. I remember my original Mavericks, and the A/C was cold. My 1996 Ford Ranger has pretty good A/C but that's designed for R134. Roz