In an effort to avoid public scrutiny, California Assemblyman Dave Jones ( has amended a completely unrelated bill with language to require annual Smog check inspections for vehicles 15-years old and older. This represents an obvious attempt to sneak through legislation in the closing days of the legislative session that had been previously defeated (A.B. 616). The new bill is designated as A.B. 3053. While pre-1976 motor vehicles would remain exempt under existing California law, this proposal ignores the fact that vehicles 15-years old and older still constitute an extremely small portion of the overall vehicle population and are a poor source from which to look for emissions reduction. Furthermore, the bill would direct that the funds generated through annual inspection fees be used to scrap our antique and collector cars. This represents another attempt by California legislators and regulators to scapegoat antique and collector cars. This is the type of activity that fuels distrust in public officials. SEMA caught this lawmaker’s underhanded attempt to circumvent public process and is now calling on you to help defeat A.B 3053 before it’s too late. This bill is a direct attack on my hobby and the industry I work in as well as the cars I drive. Please defeat this unfair bill. Send this note or one like it to the following people: ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''; ''
I couldn't live in California. They have the most restrictive laws on cars, guns and personal rights in the nation. As it is I am considering moving out of Washington.. they are following California's lead in too many areas.
When you say scrap you mean crushing old cars in the junk yard? ....the whole Gay rights thing did it for me....LOTTA COO COOS IN CALIFORNIA......
I Love the landscape of California and the weather ..and if this were 1950 id go live there....too many weirdos now.....Hot Rod Bob how long have u had your Grabber?
I have told my wife over and over again(after I worked in California for about 3 months) the only thing wrong with California is the fact that it is full of Californians get rid of most of them and it would be a great place to live. (no offense to the hot-rodders and four wheelers I am talkin about all the tree hugging, prius driving, sprout eating motherF*&$ers who think they can dictate what people can think and how they live their lives...)
SEMA does good work in all 50 states to give us all a voice. Join them as a member, it doesn't cost a cent. You will get a monthly newsletter with all the action that they are taking, along with some fun car articles (especially when a politician is also a car enthusiast). They also have a calendar of car events listed too. Lots of vehicle laws pop up all over the place and SEMA advocates are right there to fight them. That being said, it takes letters, emails, etc ... from enthusiasts to make an impact on your senators and congress members. BTW, the trash talk about "weirdos" in CA is uncalled for. There are wacky people in all 50 states. They are just able to hide better in less populated areas ...
I would agree about the weirdos in other states but most of the states Just Don't put up with their Crap. But, because of Ca. attacks on our freedoms it has allowed all the weirdos everywhere a soup box to get on. God Bless America!
Ohio Sucks as well,,, Our Laws are geared in favor of the Criminals,, and our state makes it so hard to run a buisiness that most pull out,, Clevelands Coruption is so bad,, We are the poorest city with the Highest crime rate in America,, The entire Cities graduating class would fit in a VW bus,, Our schools are just here for the up coming Criminals to meet and exchange Idea's and phone numbers,, Our Laws can be seen on the Comedy channel,, and yes we have E-checks here as well,, used to cost $19.95 per car,, and ours is for cars 25 years and less,, they are exempt past 25 years old but they are trying to pass a law that if the car was emissions equipted,, it has to meet its standards from its manufacturing date,, So we shall see,,,
I was born and raised in's a great place with good people.....and no more or less nutjobs than any other place or state per capita, area, and population. California stands out because of it's size, it's population, and it's being one of the major business centers of the, of course, there's more rules, more regulations, and more voices demanding to be heard....and being such a place of big business and big population, it's laws are influenced by the rich and powerful...whether it be individuals or corporations.....and, due to it's size and population, it's also the scapegoat for alot of society's problems and faults....Every ounce of smog west of the Rockies is blamed on California.....the cost of a home in Tennessee goes up, it's because of California's outrageous property values. And, in turn, every time California tries to legislate a solution, the same people blaming Cali for all the problems are the same ones to complain about their attempted solutions to those problems. It's a lose/lose situation for California. That being said....I love California....always will, It was my beautiful home from the day I was born and for 25 great, enjoyable years....I met my wonderful, beautiful wife there, and in all my travels have never met another woman as loving, caring and fun, and the greatest people I've ever had the honor and pleasure of meeting, knowing, and calling my friends, are from Cali (so much for everyone on Cali being weird, materialistic and shallow) But, it's population and it's society got too big for what I personally wanted for myself and my family....and though I could have found many places in Cali that were quieter, smaller, friendly and neighborly....I had a big problem with how it's laws affected my love, hobby, and vocation in the classic car field. Add to that how all the natural pretty places were getting harder to get to to because of regulations, restrictions and charges to even access them, I decided to make my voice heard....and show my opposition to those restrictive laws and regulations by leaving the state, and depriving it of my contribution to it's system and my financial support as a consumer and taxpayer. My wife and I wanted to own a home while we were still young enough to enjoy it, and knew we wouldn't be able to there in Cali unless we were ok with both working two fulltime jobs and being under a huge mortgage for most of our lives. We'd prefer to have a home and time to enjoy it and our children. We wanted a place where we knew most everyone in our town, like we used to where we lived in Cali....were the school system wasn't overworked and over-crowded and our children could attend a school that was a community of friends, not an impersonal educational center, and, being lovers of nature and beautiful countryside....we wanted to live in a place where, if you see a pretty spot by a lake or a river on the side of the road, you can stop and enjoy it, instead of driving miles of fenced off shoreline or forest before finding a half-acre parking lot that charges $10.00 an hour just to get out and watch the waves or picnic under a tree with 350 other people, like Cali had gotten to be. And I wanted to be able to build and drive my beloved old cars....without the hassle of restrictive over-regulated "smog" laws that had more to do with corporate profit than eliminating smog, and not have to spend two or three thousand dollars trying to get my car compliant and registered. California is still a great and beautiful place, a center for arts, culture, business, entertainment, history and commerce.....but it's grown and changed, and is just not my style anymore. I still have lots of family and friends who live there, and it will always be a special place for me, always and proudly my home state, my home town It was a wonderful place to be born and raised...but now, to me, It's a great place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there again....but it's still one of the greatest, and most amazing places on earth.
Come on over to 'Bama. We're very laid back [except in Birmingham, Huntsville, Tuscaloosa, Mobile and Montgomery.] All the major cities are stricter than the rural areas. Personally, I wouldn't live anywhere that I couldn't go out in my back yard and take a P without the neighbors watching....