Does anyone know if there is another drive shaft that will fit between a C5 tran and the mav 8" rear? After our 302 swap, we found out we have a c5 and not the c4, and our drive shaft is coming up short. Has anyone else run into this? We're wondering if there is another shaft that will fit, prior to going and having this shaft cut welded and rebalanced.......trying to save at least some $$$
Just throwing out a thought here... Do you have your frame stands oriented correctly? I believe if they are swapped backwards, they move the engine forward slightly. That is what you mean by the shaft "coming up short"? I am not trying to change the subject or point you in a goofy direction, it's just that as far as I was ever taught, the C4 and C5 are both identical in length. Therefore they would use the same length shaft. PaulS might chime in and correct me if I am wrong, but I am pretty confident. The C5 wouldn't be shorter for sure...
The frame stands are on correctly. The car did previously have a 9 inch in it, which was swapped out for an 8 inch with a more highway friendly gear. Not sure if there is any difference between the 8 inch and 9 inch as far as drive shaft length goes?
It does appear that the transmissions are the same in length, but Jamie could be correct, as the 9 inch we traded out came farther forward I believe. We aren't even sure the drive shaft we have is the original. We have the car at the shop getting exhaust work done. By the way Jamie, the servo cover was loose on the transmission and we blew the gasket out trying to get out of the driveway, so that is at the shop awaiting a new gasket also. Do you guys happen to know what the overall length of a standard maverick drive shaft is?
Mine is the C5, if that is what the dipstick in the pan model is called, and stock Maverick driveshaft worked fine. Has you shaft been cut and rewelded? Jamie should have a few extras laying around somewhere....
I think that the length of my driveshaft is 45 1/2" (center to center on the u-joints) if I remember correctly. I too believe that the C4 and C5 are the same length. One other thing, I'm pretty sure that on the 9" Ford that there are two different yolks. A long one and a short one. You may have had the long one. Anyhow if a 45 1/4" long driveshaft will work for you, I've got an aluminum one with brand new u-joints that has just been shortened and balanced that I will give you a smoking deal on!
to my knowledge it should still be a C4, just has a pan fill and different bellhousing.... but i could be wrong. i always thought the C5 were introduced in the early 80's, had a big bell and torque converter and held an extra quart of fluid but hey, im prolly wrong so im waiting for Paul to chime in at any time
the C4 and C5 are the same length. The C5 is a locking converter C4 produced after the C4 was discontinued. The C4 was available as a case fill and pan fill, with the large bell case and the small bell case. The C5 has a deeper and wider bell than the C4 to accept the converter that was fitted (not any more) with a cetrifugal clutch lock-up mechanism. The lock-up didn't work and you can't find them anymore. They only produce non-locking converters for the C5 now. The 70 to 77 Maverick and Comet drivelines will fit, Fox body Mustang shafts with the AOD will fit.. there has to be more - Areostar ??? maybe.
I don't know if Aerostar shafts are the right length (might be too long), but every one that I have seen is aluminum. I might have to get back and measure one now ...
i have a foxbody shaft and it's 7/8" shorter than my stock mav. if that makes a diff. or not, i don't know... ......
OK, that explains it, I have a C4 then. Had always heard that the big bell was a C5, small bell was a C4. Mine is big bell, pan fill.
I have swapped maverick driveshafts with my 9 inch and back to 8 inch a couple times.....just throwing this out there, but are you sure your pinion angle is right? I guess the question short?
The pinion angle should be right.. the 8 inch in it is a stock, unmodified rear out of my '76 parts car. The drive shaft fit perfect in that car. The 9 inch that was in his car appears to be out of a '67 or '68 Mustang. The center chunk is not original to the housing in that 9 inch, the center chunk has a 4.11 gear that is a factory ford part, and the pumpkin is a weak early one with a early 60's part number, IIRC. I'll have to go out and get some pics and numbers off it. This car does have pretty tall rear shackles on it, if that would make a difference? I didn't notice the drive shaft coming up any shorter with the 302 then it did with the 170/C4 that was originally in there, though I certainly do believe it should be inserted further then it is. I think we need to find out just how long the shaft is from U joint to U joint so we can figure if it is the correct Maverick shaft or not.