Here are a couple of pics of my newly aquired Maverick. Here is how she looked when I got her. Here is what she looks like after I made her my own. I lowered th efront an did some paint work. I am in the middle of swaping to the small bumpers. I need some brackest though.
You look pretty young in that last picture to be driving, let alone seeing around that hood!! Nice car!!
Yea it was on Racing Junk. I traded my 85 mustang for it. It is starting to grow on me more and more as I work on it and put my own little touches on it.
I was tempted by it as well Take it to a local cruise and see how much attention you will get Congrats on a nice trade~!
That is my youngest daughter. She will be 3 at the end of the month. That car is all she talks about. I dont know who is more anctious to take it out for a spin.
Awesome!! I have pictures of both my daughters in my 74 when they were both about that age. Now they fight over which Maverick there going to get.
Is that a gas cap in the grill or am i just seeing things. Are you keeping the big bumpers or doing like everyone else and going small bumpers?