I need 20 more sold and ill hit the targeted min order mark, that will give me 5 or 6 days to do this before i start to mail them out . Were close ,but not there yet.
Yes 20 left of the min 100 plus the 25 exta i ordered,that is correct 45 ,im going right now to pick up the final proof with all the small corrections i wanted ,i believe i will ok it this afternoon after i look it over one last time and the printing of the final calendar will begin today.
Ok folks ,i recieved the final proof of the 2009 calendar and made 4 corrections and now the calendar is perfect and will go into print tomorrow morning . I will begin to mail out by or before this weekend James Beaulieu
Sounds great!!! Now I only need to know if it´s possible for me in Sweden to get one or two...? Robert.
2009 calendar is almost sold out there are only 35 left out of the 125 orderd,im not sure if i should request another 25 before the print run is done ,as the price will go up if a second run is needed .
2009 calendar Me either, I still have 30 more left to sell of these great calendars . Im starting to mail them out tomorrow night ,i am 100% sure all that have purchased will not be disapionted.I have included both the maverick and comet emblems on the calendars,i also included both the MCG and the MCCI logos on this calendars :Handshake
any mention or credit given here? 2009 Maverick/Comet Calendar Voting 2009 Maverick/Comet Calendar Pictures without his help and MMB it wouldn't have happened...
Frank (71gold ) your very right here, i do owe a very large THANK YOU to Blugene and Stefan( the big cheese), Blugene for doing the poll for purchasing set up and Stefan for doing the pictures and galley links . With out both of your help this would not of happened as i am not a computer whiz and did not have the talent to do this with out your two guys help ,again i thank you both for your help in this very large and great undertaking. I also thank all the members who supported this project ,thank you all also. sincerly James Beaulieu