this wouldn't have anything to do with it being your...BIRTHDAY...would it... i thought they took...7:00 AM...out of a day......i haven't seen one in about 2 years... ......FFF...:Handshake
Fred, I will be there, and a friend of mine, Mark, 72 'stang vert, but he is leaving it home and riding with me, might have a kid or two with me as well. Probably not make it for breakfast, as we will stop in Fargo at the cafe there about 6 am. Will arrive at Moultrie approximately 8 am, or at least that is the way it usually works out. Tell Dana we said hi! See you there! Richard p.s. I just bought a 72 Comet 4 door and Jared is bringing it down from SC next Wednesday. It is a V8 AC AT car with 85,xxx miles on it. Bad C4, so I am thinking I will be needing a AOD crossmember. Hello Frank, where is your car parked??
sounds like a fun time. I wish i could make it up there. school finals are that week and the next so i am finda tied down. Fred let me know your plans for turkey rod. we can meet up like last year. B.T.W. the 4 door engine will be going into the 2 door the week following turkey rod. no more 6 banger puking oil. the guy who is doing the swap is also going to do the paint and upholstery work. He does amazing paint and interiors for cheap. there are several examples of his work at old town every week.
Richard and Jason we'll miss you. Actually you will miss Dana's special pancake blend. Dana had to have some surgury last week, so that is why she can't be there this weekend. She is doing very good though. Jason same plan as last year. If you have my number give me a hollar later. We won't have a mav there, but looks like Mommas truck will make it, and probably have the 48 ford there. Hopefully we will have a Mav at Silver Springs in some form.
Is there a group meet up anytime on Saturday?? Maybe get a pic or two so it can go to MCCI. Would be great to get a group shot with or without cars. Fred, tell Dana she will be in our prayers. Fred, I still have your # in my phone if you haven't changed it since last year that is. Anybody needs mine, pm me and I will give it out that way. Richard
I'll be there cell phone was in a dead zone last year. If ya wanna try and call...678.266.7389
Its gonna be 10 mph winds and 53 degrees on Sat.....But Its going to be 5MPH winds and 60 degrees on SUNDAY. Olin and I are going on Sunday.
not to HIGHJACK or anything but you know a person doesn't like the cold when they factor the wind into their plans
John the thing is ...this event is held at an AIRPORT ...FLAT...HUGE... NO TREES. I`ve been there when it was a little cool and the wind was blowing. No escape from the cold
Ok this may or may not be the last time I will get to read the link befoe in the mornin. I didnt get a chance to make any kind of sign, but look for my white GMC . I'll try to park out somewhere not hard to notice. The griddle is loaded and ready. My phone # if you want to call is 904 742 9514. See ya'll there about 0700 in the am frank
...i wonder if there will be any...5.0 headers... there... i talked to Jeff a few minutes ago, they him and Jimmy were eating and haven't gotten to the interstate yet coming home....about 2 hrs. from there. ......
Just walked inside the house. I got there about 8:30 this morning and the wind was still blowing when we left right at sunset. It was coooold...had to keep your back to the wind the whole time. I didn't see any real good deals. I guess people been watching too much Barrett Jackson or thinking if it didn't sell today they will drop the price later. I did buy a BFH for $2.00 (laying on the ground next to nozzle). Jimmy got the gas pump for $200...other pumps that were rusted enough so you couldn't tell what color they use to be was going for $750-$1000. The already restored gas pumps were $3500. As far as Maverick parts...I did see a speedometer cluster and a set of tail lights. Bunch or 9", Toploaders, SBF intakes and a bunch of 5.0 headers