Speaking of Webpages i'm wondering if anyone can give me any info on how i can go about starting my own webpage (one that is free). I had some information on one awhile back but it turned out to be far from free. I would like to start the site so i could put the pictures from the NMCC meet and greets and the mini meets that we put on up here in Canada. I would also like to put pictures of the dash plaques, the meet and greet booklet i made for the event and maybe even video of all the meets and also any other memorabilia like decals, hats etc, etc, etc. I want to do this but am not all to sure where to go. Any help would be great as i'm very new to all this. Thanks Comrick317
Comrick317,we have our phone and cable and (internet) with Shaw communication and they provide us we free web sites and free hosting ,its included with our monthly bill . Ill look into it for you ,but you better brush up on your computer skills .Im lucky here ,Bev is from a gifted family ,2 phd doctors for brothers ,i believe thats were she gets the brains that i dont have, from her families gene pool,lol.
Most ISP will give you 10 megs of storage. Download a free WYSIWYG program and create a webpage and FTP the HTML to your personal webpage. If your ISP doesn't have free web space you can host your files on Tripod http://www.tripod.lycos.com/ Study and learning HTML codes will make it easier to fine tune your new webpages. This is something that your not going to learn over night. Kinda like working on a car...it takes time.
As always you guys and this forum are GREAT and quick and YES, YES, YES i need all the help i can get, hell i'm a fitter/welder so my computer skills are...........pretty crap. Thanks for the info and keep it coming.
I'm sorry to say but i don't know what HTML codes are? I have gotten started on my web-site but got stopped dead in my tracks as the site won't allow me to post any of my pictures as it says they are the wrong file and i need to change them to a different type of file. I'm totally lost on what to do next.
HTML are the basic controls that tell a web page how to behave. For example, when typing a reply to a post here, if you want the type to be Bold, selecting the "B" above the field is the control for that, and as you are laying out your reply, you will see the HTML control for that in square brackets. Same goes for picture links, quotes, and links to other webpages ... all HTML. A WYSIWYG editor is frequently included with the web hosting. You probably have been in it there already. ... is short for "What you see is what you get". About as easy as any of this can be made to operate. Here is a link for web design resources ... http://www.definitivewebmaster.net/ It is run by a retired professor that I studied under six years ago. Very cool that he has kept it running since he is no longer teaching. A lot of good tutorials there.
well I use 100webspace.com or net, dont remember as my hosting website, they give you a domain to choose from but you have to add it to another part so like if you wanted maverick.com you would have to do something like maverick.cogia.com and then one of the easiest programs to use to create a website is microsoft front page. if you can get your hands on a copy of that program you are all set. by the way I made cale168.cogia.net and it automatically puts ads across the top of every page you make but thats fine because it is totally free.
.................................................................................................... Wow, thanks, talk about alot of information. And thanks for the heads up on the HTML thing, now i know ,Boy do i have alot to learn.
I have a free FTP program I can email to you. Then use MS Frontpage or similar WYSIWYG program, and FTP will upload it to the designated web space. I have phone, internet, cable, etc and have 10 free Megs space, which can be a pretty good sized web site. You just need to keep track of pictures. They will suck up your space quickly. And you are welcome to copy mine as a template, and make changes to make it more personal. I could email the main page to you and you can move things around, change the background, etc to make it what you want. That is the easiest way to get started, unless you want to do it from scratch.
No need to email the file. Just right click the webpage you want as a template and choose 'Save As'...the rename the file from *.txt to *.html When you double click the file it will open in your browser. It's best to save the original txt file and rename it each time you edit the file. HTML is a text file with a different extension