how much of a demand is there for a dash cluster that can take 4 or 5 autometer style gages? like two big holes for tach and speedo, then 3 smaller holes for oil, water, and fuel. also 3 or 4 holes for indicator lighs for turn siganals, brigh indicators and others. i suspect if we can gererate enough intrest we could get somebody who can do plastic molding to make this happen. maybe joe knows who we could talk to.
i dream of makeing one. im tempted to take up fiberglass molding and possibly starting with the cluster and the move to biger things. i belive that this comuinty has the skills in it to do anything we want for our cars, we just have to organize and do it. ive seen on mythbusters that machine they have that does plastic molding with a vaccuum form process. i wonder if that process could be used?
i thought most interior car parts are injected molding process, plastic vaccum molding is a possibility as ive seen it done to some parts made to the celica community that im in. the key to this happening is in the number of demand by this community...
I would like to see more gauge space.... but if you are trying to put it in the same space there just isn't room for the nine gauges that I like to have.
I'd like to see something too. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet, but I'd like to have all the std gauges (Speedo, tach, water temp, Volts, oil psi, and fuel). I make make something digital like I put in my Subaru.
so far, these are the most impressive ive seen..... but if u want digital, look at Frank's (71gold) cluster. he had Dakota Digital make hime some
Mean, I was thinking the same thing too ...There are some other multi-gauge sets that I have seen in street rod magazines that ought to fit like that too. Dolphin gauges has them. Here is a link ... Dolphin Gauges Unfortunately, their Web guy doesn't think it is very important to show some good pictures of them ...
doesnt seem like he's too worried about the sale then does it? i like those gauges though... looks liek they would be a good addition to a cluster
Needs to hold 6 gauges. Speedo, Tach, Oil, Volt, Water, and Fuel. 3 indicator lights Left, Right, and Brights.