Anyone heading to Moultrie this weekend? I'll be there and can bring rear quarter panels and frame connectors I have for sale if anyone wants them. Make offer on either if you are interested.
its in southwest georgia... and i had no idea it was even happening this weekend... turnout is usually pretty good... ill try to make it out there
Not sure what time I will be there, I ride with a friend of mine (he has a Maverick too) I just make sure I am at his house in time to leave there.
Stephen and Nick I will be at the mens restroom side of the water tower at 0900. I don't have any maverick clothing but just look for a short fat guy waring a grey and black wind braker (and a confused look on his face). Ray
It's supposed to be around 31 degrees there in the morning with a wind of around 15 mph. That makes for a chilly time at Spence Air Field. You'll need a coat in the morning and a place to carry it in the afternoon.
Oh, ok. I've got other stuff to do and don't really need to be going down there anyways, but was going to hitch a ride with you again if you were. I'll probably try to make it down there in the fall.